Requirements for graduation

Graduation requirements by subject and grade:

Required Suggested Elective

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9 10 11 12
Social Science
Religious Studies
Community Service
9th Grade Math

Frosh do some form of Algebra (1st or 2nd year algebra). Very rarely we do have a freshman who has completed first and second year algebra and geometry. In that rare instance, we do place students into Precalculus Honors as a frosh.

See Mathematics Department Course Overview
See all 9th grade Mathematics courses.

10th Grade Math

Sophomores do Geometry (Regular, Accelerated, or Honors). Many sophomores either test out of this because they took it in middle school, or they take the summer geometry accelerated course between freshman and sophomore year. Depending on the year, between 15 and 30 percent of the class do this, and these students take Precalculus Accelerated or Honors in their sophomore year. We do not allow students to “take a year off of math” by taking the summer course – the loss of skills over that amount of time is extremely detrimental to their development as mathematicians.

See Mathematics Department Course Overview
See all 10th grade Mathematics courses.

11th Grade Math

Juniors take Algebra 2, Precalculus Accelerated, or Precalculus Honors. All of these courses cover extensively 2nd year algebra topics. Approximately 15 to 30% of our sophomore class each year take Precalculus Accelerated or Honors as well.

See Mathematics Department Course Overview
See all 11th grade Mathematics courses.

12th Grade Math

Seniors have a wide variety of courses available, depending on what they did leading up to that year. For the sophomores who have completed Precalculus, the courses available are Calculus, AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, AP Statistics, and Intro to Finance.

See Mathematics Department Course Overview
See all 12th grade Mathematics courses.

9th Grade English

Frosh are presented with a course of study that exposes them to the forms of literature: the short story, non-fiction essay, poem, drama, and novel. Students are also presented with various writing assignments that will start them on the process of building a personal writing style. The subjects for these assignments move from the students’ own experiences to topics related to their reading, and the movement during the course of the year is from narrative and descriptive writing to writing that is more expository in nature.

By the end of the course, the student will have written approximately 10-12 papers in a variety of rhetorical modes including creative, descriptive, narrative, expository, and literary analysis writing. The student will also have completed at least one multi-paragraph expository essay.

See English Department Course Overview
See all 9th grade English courses.

10th Grade English

Sophomore English continues the course of study begun in the first year. Skills are refined, expanded, and enhanced. Basic grammar is reviewed and new material introduced throughout the year. The lower division writing sequence continues with a review of paragraph writing, which leads into the year's emphasis on descriptive, narrative, and expository essay writing.

Students will write approximately 10-12 papers in a variety of rhetorical modes. The writing becomes not only more formal, but increases in length as well, with students writing multi-paragraph expository essays by the end of the first quarter.

The reading of literature includes all the major genres: novel, drama, poetry, short story, and essay; however, the study of literature shifts from an organization by form to an organization by themes that reveal an insight into the human condition.

See English Department Course Overview
See all 10th grade English courses.

11th Grade English

Juniors cover the literature of the United States from the Puritan Era to the present. All the forms of literature which have been studied specifically in themselves during the first two years are now studied as they emerge historically through the imaginative lives of major U.S. authors. This course complements the study of American History, which is also taken during the junior year.
The students' writing aims at greater and greater control over the expository essay and specifically at developing analytical theses on literature. Students will write at least twelve papers during the year in various rhetorical modes including the personal narrative (at least 1), the expository essay (5-7), the synthesis essay, the timed quick-write, and the creative composition.

After consulting with their teachers, students taking this course may opt to take the AP Language and Composition examination. Both this course and the honors course prepare students to pass the Junior Writing Exam taken in the second semester. Students who do not pass this exam with an acceptable score must take Literature and Composition: Non-fiction during the senior year.

See English Department Course Overview
See all 11th grade English courses.

12th Grade English

Seniors may structure their senior English courses with one AP course, or two single-semester classes from Individual Authors, Genre, or The Act and Art of Writing. Students may choose their two courses from the same area.

See English Department Course Overview
See all 12th grade English courses.

9th Grade Science

As a general goal, we want our classes to train students to be effective critical thinkers. At every level, students will be presented with scientific concepts and asked to apply them to novel situations through inquiry activities and lab practicals. Students are encouraged to collaborate with classmates and work in cooperative groups.

Frosh mainly pursue these goals through the study of biology. They learn basic biological concepts including ecology, evolution, genetics, life systems. Students are encouraged to identify these concepts in their everyday life as well as identify contemporary issues related to science (eg - pollution, climate change, drug/pharmaceutical manufacturing).

See Science Department Course Overview
See all 9th grade Science courses.

10th Grade Science

Most sophomores take chemistry where we investigate the structure of matter and observe and study chemical change. We discuss how energy plays a role in chemistry and more importantly in their everyday lives. In chemistry we also focus on developing strong laboratory skills, how to collect qualitative and quantitative data and how to make well developed conclusions based on scientific principles.

As a general goal, we want our classes to train students to be effective critical thinkers. At every level, students will be presented with scientific concepts and asked to apply them to novel situations through inquiry activities and lab practicals. Students are encouraged to collaborate with classmates and work in cooperative groups.

See Science Department Course Overview
See all 10th grade Science courses.

11th Grade Science

Juniors take physics where the main study is about conservation principles. We study force interactions, conservation of energy and momentum. There is a concerted effort to apply physics principles to phenomena readily observed in everyday life. Students are also exposed to computer simulations where they are asked to demonstrate physics concepts.

As a general goal, we want our classes to train students to be effective critical thinkers. At every level, students will be presented with scientific concepts and asked to apply them to novel situations through inquiry activities and lab practicals. Students are encouraged to collaborate with classmates and work in cooperative groups.

See Science Department Course Overview
See all 11th grade Science courses.

12th Grade Science

As seniors, students are invited to take a number of different electives where they can enhance the skills acquired from the lower level classes. We hope that students will expand their content knowledge and strengthen their ability to critically analyze scientific concepts. Senior electives are also designed to prepare students for the increased demands of college science classes.

As a general goal, we want our classes to train students to be effective critical thinkers. At every level, students will be presented with scientific concepts and asked to apply them to novel situations through inquiry activities and lab practicals. Students are encouraged to collaborate with classmates and work in cooperative groups.

See Science Department Course Overview
See all 12th grade Science courses.

9th Grade Social Science

The frosh requirement, Introduction to Ethnic Studies is a one-semester course, designed to develop a student’s understanding of identity formation and systemic inequalities.

The Social Science Department endeavors to produce a learning environment where young men and women, in the tradition of St. Ignatius, become aware of their responsibilities to God, themselves, and their fellow human beings. Courses allow students to delve deeper into history, providing them with a better foundation to base their understanding of current events. Each course will also develop writing and critical thinking skills in ways that promote cross-disciplinary understanding. Lastly, our course catalog will help to foster a growth of students' cultural competence by providing variety in perspective and sources in the hopes of developing cultural humility, a key tenet of Jesuit philosophy.

See Social Science Department Course Overview
See all 9th grade Social Science courses.

10th Grade Social Science

Sophomores take Modern World History, a one-year course, which begins with the Age of Exploration and Conquest (late 1400s) and studies major world civilizations and events through the 21st century.

The Social Science Department endeavors to produce a learning environment where young men and women, in the tradition of St. Ignatius, become aware of their responsibilities to God, themselves, and their fellow human beings. Courses allow students to delve deeper into history, providing them with a better foundation to base their understanding of current events. Each course will also develop writing and critical thinking skills in ways that promote cross-disciplinary understanding. Lastly, our course catalog will help to foster a growth of students' cultural competence by providing variety in perspective and sources in the hopes of developing cultural humility, a key tenet of Jesuit philosophy.

See Social Science Department Course Overview
See all 10th grade Social Science courses.

11th Grade Social Science

Juniors take a full year of U.S. Histories and Cultures, covering the period beginning in the colonial era and concluding in the 21st century. The course tracks the major events and movements of our country, along with covering historically underrepresented narratives, to gain a deeper and more complex understanding of our nation's history.

Juniors and seniors have the opportunity to apply for Honors in any Social Science course. Designed for students with a demonstrated history of academic achievement, the Honors curriculum challenges students with college-level coursework (e.g. a college-level research paper) and real-world experiences (e.g. a city council meeting). Honors students receive honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations.

See Social Science Department Course Overview
See all 11th grade Social Science courses.

12th Grade Social Science

Seniors may choose one or more of four Government Selectives, and they are highly encouraged to enroll in as many Government Selectives that interest them. In addition, juniors and seniors may take a variety of electives designed to introduce them to the wider world of the social sciences. Electives are currently offered in Social Cognitive Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience, Economics, and Social Movements and Social Justice.

Juniors and seniors have the opportunity to apply for Honors in any Social Science course. Designed for students with a demonstrated history of academic achievement, the Honors curriculum challenges students with college-level coursework (e.g. a college-level research paper) and real-world experiences (e.g. a city council meeting). Honors students receive honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations.

See Social Science Department Course Overview
See all 12th grade Social Science courses.

9th Grade Arts

SI Students are required to complete two semesters of Arts classes, typically taken during sophomore and senior years. However, many students join our Performing Arts programs in their freshman year. Before and after school students can take a variety of classes, most of which are by audition only, including Chamber Singers, Orchestra, Fall Play, Jazz Band, Pep Band, Mixed Chorus, Fall Play, Technical Theater, Stage Crew, Dance Workshop & the Spring Musical.

See Arts Department Course Overview
See all 9th grade Arts courses.

10th Grade Arts

A sophomore will choose one of our daytime Arts course offerings, and can additionally participate in before/after school Arts programs.

Some of the Arts courses we offer during the regular school day are: Studio Art, Dance, Drama, Music Appreciation, Sculpture, AP Music Theory. Before and after school students can take a variety of classes, most of which are by audition only, including Chamber Singers, Orchestra, Jazz Band, Pep Band, Mixed Chorus, Fall Play, Technical Theater, Stage Crew, Dance Workshop & the Spring Musical.

See Arts Department Course Overview
See all 10th grade Arts courses.

11th Grade Arts

A junior can elect to take a performing arts class before and/or after school.

Our Performing Arts Program includes Chamber Singers, Fall Play, Playwright Festival, Symphonic Orchestra, Jazz Band, Pep Band, Mixed Chorus, Fall Play, Technical Theater, Stage Crew, Dance Workshop & Spring Musical.

See Arts Department Course Overview
See all 11th grade Arts courses.

12th Grade Arts

A senior can expect to take the second semester of the Arts class sequence begun in sophomore year, and can also participate in before/after school Arts classes.

Some of the Arts courses we offer during the regular school day are: Studio Art, Dance, Drama, Music Appreciation, Sculpture, AP Music Theory. Before and after school students can take a variety of classes, most of which are by audition only, including Chamber Singers, Orchestra, Fall Play, Jazz Band, Pep Band, Mixed Chorus, Fall Play, Technical Theater, Stage Crew, Dance Workshop & Spring Musical.

See Arts Department Course Overview
See all 12th grade Arts courses.

9th Grade Religion

Frosh students explore the complexity and depth of human experience from a Catholic perspective. Guided by the Catholic belief that people encounter Divine Mystery in and through relationship with the world and other people. Special focus will be on forming students to do a faith that does justice, exploring questions of inclusion, conscience, culture and identity. Toward this end, all students participate in the Frosh Retreat in the context of this course. The retreat includes a service project and reflection activities organized by the Campus Ministry Department. Finally, students will conclude the year examining the relational and sexual dimension of human experience, probing ancient wisdom for guidance in discerning how to live towards greater healing and liberation.

See Religious Studies Department Course Overview
See all 9th grade Religious Studies courses.

10th Grade Religion

Sophomores wrestle with the same question Jesus asks his disciples "Who do you say that I am?" The confusion that ensues among his followers is emblematic of the struggle that Christians and non-Christians alike have had throughout history to answer that very question. In this course, students will be challenged to offer their own unique contributions to the discourse on the identity of Jesus. They will grapple directly with the question Jesus posed to his disciples by developing responses based on multiple and intersecting paradigms: the personal, the historical, the theological, and the anthropological to name just a few.

See Religious Studies Department Course Overview
See all 10th grade Religious Studies courses.

11th Grade Religion

Juniors engage in the broad philosophical and theological discussions of good and evil, right and wrong, freedom and duty, in and beyond the practical moral decisions of everyday life. In response to the call to uphold and promote the Gospel message of Jesus Christ, students examine first Catholic tradition's understandings of human dignity, informed conscience, and the virtues and principles that guide moral reasoning. The second semester explores Catholic tradition on social justice, social teaching, and the common good with a focus on environmental justice and racial equity.

See Religious Studies Department Course Overview
See all 11th grade Religious Studies courses.

12th Grade Religion

Seniors choose two semester-long electives on subjects such as world religions, human sexuality, Ignatian spirituality, faith, film, and fiction, science and religion, sports and spirituality, community engagement, or ecological justice.

See Religious Studies Department Course Overview
See all 12th grade Religious Studies courses.

9th Grade Language

A year 1 language student will be introduced into their target language and culture. Year 1 is an introductory level, exploring foundational language learning skills.  

Year 1 also marks the start to developing students’ interpersonal, interpretive and presentation skills through basic topics in students’ lives in and outside of school.

See Language Department Course Overview
See all 9th grade Language courses.

10th Grade Language

A year 2 language student will solidify their language learning journey. The students will be exposed to more intermediate language building skills. Our year two students begin to combine language skills with cultural knowledge.

See Language Department Course Overview
See all 10th grade Language courses.

11th Grade Language

A year 3 language student will further grow their language skill set. Students will be exposed to more sophisticated language structures and develop an awareness of social justice themes. Year three students are considered high intermediate language learners. Students are growing their critical thinking skills in the target language.

See Language Department Course Overview
See all 11th grade Language courses.

12th Grade Language

A year 4 language student will work towards fluency. Year four is considered an advanced language course. Year 4 curriculum will grow students’ analytical, communication and cognitive skills.

See Language Department Course Overview
See all 12th grade Language courses.

9th Grade PE/Wellness

The frosh year is centered around wellness including physical, social and mental health while introducing concepts of mindfulness, meditation, self-awareness and nutrition. Students put these concepts to action as they progress through the semester both in the classroom and in exercise spaces.

See PE/Wellness Department Course Overview
See all 9th grade PE/Wellness courses.

10th Grade PE/Wellness

Physical education is not a requirement after Frosh year but sophomores are encouraged to continue to explore personal fitness options. We are proud to offer curriculum for students with a variety of needs.

See PE/Wellness Department Course Overview
See all 10th grade PE/Wellness courses.

11th Grade PE/Wellness

Juniors are encouraged to explore Physical Education classes and continue their journey in fitness and health.

See PE/Wellness Department Course Overview
See all 11th grade PE/Wellness courses.

12th Grade PE/Wellness

We believe that a sound body and a sound mind are essential to healthy living and that’s especially important to our seniors as they prepare for continuing their education and life after SI.

See PE/Wellness Department Course Overview
See all 12th grade PE/Wellness courses.

9th Grade Community Service

Each student at SI is required to complete 75 hours of service before their senior year; students must complete 15 service hours during their Freshman Year. It is our mission for students to engage in service they are passionate about, while also having them venture outside of their comfort zones and into their local communities.

See full Community Service details.

10th Grade Community Service

Each student at SI is required to complete 75 hours of service before their senior year; students must complete 20 service hours during their Sophomore Year. It is our mission for students to engage in service they are passionate about, while also having them venture outside of their comfort zones and into their local communities.

See full Community Service details.

11th Grade Community Service

Each student at SI is required to complete 75 hours of service before their senior year. Juniors and seniors will complete their remaining 40 Service Hours through their Core Capstone Project, which asks them to engage in direct service with a marginalized population at one non-profit agency/organization. It is our mission for students to engage in service they are passionate about, while also having them venture outside of their comfort zones and into their local communities.

See full Community Service details.

12th Grade Community Service

Each student at SI is required to complete 75 hours of service before their senior year. Juniors and seniors will complete their remaining 40 Service Hours through their Core Capstone Project, which asks them to engage in direct service with a marginalized population at one non-profit agency/organization. It is our mission for students to engage in service they are passionate about, while also having them venture outside of their comfort zones and into their local communities.

See full Community Service details.