AP Mandarin 4 is a two-semester advanced language course designed for students who have excelled in their previous Mandarin study and who are interested in pursuing a more rigorous course of study in Mandarin language and Chinese culture. Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate and improve proficiency in the three modes of communication—Interpersonal, Interpretive, and Presentational—defined as foundational in the Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century. This course will enhance the student’s cognitive, analytical, and communicative skills while emphasizing both fluency and accuracy in Mandarin. Authentic materials will be used to enhance student exploration of culture in both contemporary and historical contexts. The class is conducted mostly in Mandarin and students are encouraged to speak in Mandarin at all times.
*This class will be offered pending adequate enrollment.
**Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations
Advanced Placement (AP) Music Theory is a fast-paced course including a substantial amount of homework in preparation for the AP music theory exam in May. This course prepares students to complete college level work in the areas of reading and analyzing notated music and aural training. Particular emphasis will be placed upon developing listening skills, sight-singing ability and knowledge of rhythm, melody, harmony, form and other compositional devices.
Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations
*This class will be offered pending adequate enrollment.
**This course meets during the regular school day, periods 1-7, during fall OR spring semester.
The AP Physics (Physical Science) course is equivalent in content, depth, and complexity to an introductory physics course at the college level. This course is designed to prepare the student to excel on the AP Physics C: Mechanics exams offered in May. The course follows the AP curriculum closely. AP Physics is an in-depth, content-intensive study of physical principles that allows students the opportunity to engage hands-on in scientific experimentation. Core units of study include kinematics, Newton’s laws, conservation laws, harmonic motion, and rotational motion. Additional topics will vary but may include electricity & magnetism, relativity, quantum mechanics, particle physics, thermodynamics, and other advanced topics. Use of calculus in problem solving is expected to increase as the course progresses. Students are required to take the Advanced Placement exam in May. Students are required to complete an assignment over the summer due on the first day of school. This is a mathematically rigorous course which requires a solid foundation in both physics and math.
Corequisite – Students enrolling in this course must also enroll in the corresponding AP Science Laboratory course, which meets once per week for 50 minutes outside of the regular bell schedule. Meetings will occur before or after school.
*Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations
AP Spanish language covers the equivalent material of a third-year college course in advanced Spanish composition and conversation. The aims of this two-semester course are: to improve dramatically the student’s speaking ability; to review systematically grammar previously studied; to master — orally and in writing — new and more complex grammar concepts; to expose students to the literary use of Spanish and to increase both their literal and critical reading skills; to prepare students for the Advanced Placement Spanish Language Examination; and to enhance the students’ knowledge of the cultural diversity of the Spanish-speaking world. Students will be required to speak Spanish in a variety of situations ranging from class discussions to oral presentations and debates. Students will read newspaper and magazine articles, short stories, poems, and excerpts from novels or plays by peninsular and/or Latin American authors. The selected class materials are designed to stimulate and perfect conversation and to assist students in the imitation of the native speaker’s pronunciation, rhythm, moods and humor as their abilities increase. This class is conducted in Spanish, and students are expected to speak Spanish at all times.
*Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations
This course is designed to give students a foundation for further studies in math while emphasizing preparation for majors in psychology, sociology, and other non-calculus fields. The course is intended for students wishing to complete the equivalent of a one-semester non-calculus based college course in statistics and will introduce them to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. A Texas Instruments TI-83 or TI-84 series graphing calculator is required.
*Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations
Designed to offer students the chance to learn about the art of architectural design in society and its effect on our sense of culture. Particularly interesting for students who plan to major in architecture and/or design of any kind, the class will provide field trips, involvement with our rich cultural environment, and an introduction to “hands-on” skills involving design and composition. Coursework will include short papers, a non-written final project, and opportunity for original creative expression. Students do not need to have experience in drawing in order to take this course.
Art and Architecture 1B is a follow-up course to Art and Architecture 1A and is designed as a continuing study of the wealth of artistic expression manifested in the architecture, sculpture, painting and artifacts of traditional cultures and modern architectural expressions. An exploration of earth-friendly, sustainable and green architectural techniques will compliment the hands-on approach to building practices and inspire new thinking about shelter and cultural values. Studio assignments in architectural design, drawing and mixed-media architectural structures created from original student designs, will compliment our study of how particular architects and cultures have used architecture as an expression to image themselves, their culture, and their God.
Instructor: Katie Wolf
This semester-long evening class meets once a week from 5:45 pm-7:30 pm and is designed to explore the value of developing a personal and deep connection to Nature and creativity as part of educating the whole person. Our study of architects, artists, scientists, contemporary movements in sustainable choices and indeginous cultures will be a springboard for a variety of art-making studio assignments. Your research, class discussion and art projects will be the basis for your grade. A final portfolio of your work will summarize your understanding of the course work.
All students are welcome to join us in Studio 108 and your grade will be averaged into your semester’s transcript as Art and Architecture 1B, Sculpture B or Studio Art B. The Art and Nature Intensive can fulfill the 2nd level of Art and Architecture 1A, Sculpture A or Studio Art A -OR- you may take the class as an elective for credit, because you are interested in Nature, building community and exploring the creative process.
*This class will be offered pending adequate enrollment.
**This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day.
Alternate Course Titles for this course (it fulfills all of these):
- Art and Nature Intensive: Art and Architecture 1B (8W) [6106]
- Art and Nature Intensive: Studio Art B (8W) [6126]
- Art and Nature Intensive: Sculpture B (8W) [6156]
This one semester course will explore the origin, cultural value, and materials used to create a variety of Latin American handicrafts. Students will make their own craft for each unit. Scheduling approximately 9 class meetings per handicraft project would allow for 5-6 different units during a semester course. The class would be conducted in Spanish. Students would also learn new vocabulary and review a major grammar point per project.
Each craft project would be accompanied by:
- historical background of object
- cultural value and meaning of object
- vocabulary list related to current topic
- at least one main grammar review point
- formal and informal commands
- preterite & imperfect
- present subjunctive
- future & conditional
- at least 2-3 reading comprehension activities
- music/videos/visuals
*This class will be offered pending adequate enrollment.
Astronomy (Physical Science) is the scientific study of celestial objects and phenomena. This course allows a student to apply fundamental concepts learned in biology, chemistry, and physics to new problems in astronomy. Units of study include the apparent motion of the sky, the characteristics of the planets and moons of our solar system, the properties and evolution of stars, the structure and behavior of galaxies, the Big Bang and early universe, and exotic and exciting concepts such as black holes, pulsars, extrasolar planets, curved spacetime, dark matter, and dark energy. A handful of nighttime observation sessions are recommended.
*This course is offered as an on-line class.
NOTE: For the 2024-2025 academic year, this course will be offered 8th period.