Advanced Journalism

Course No: 9415
Subject: College Preparatory Electives
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course Length: Year
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: G
Prerequisite: Journalism or Journalism II
Criteria for Enrollment: Strong interest in journalism, desktop publishing, editing, and writing. Admission is by application, and enrollment is via roster submitted by instructor. Students should not list this course on their Schedule Request Forms.

Advanced Journalism is an 8th period course in which students will learn the skills necessary to serve as Editor-in-Chief for the school newspaper of St. Ignatius, Inside SI.  The primary objective of this class is the publishing of six issues of Inside SI.  As such, students will be involved in all areas of publication production, including creating the master schedule, generating feature topics, determining content, supervising reporters in each department (Affinity, Arts, Feature, Humor, Op-Ed, Outside SI News, SI News, Sports, and Spotlight), writing articles, editing, laying out pages for each issue, and overall design. In the process of generating content, writing their stories, and laying out newspaper pages, students will learn to use specialized software for word processing, page layout, graphic design, and distribution management. Students enrolled in this course will practice effective collaboration skills, lead training sessions, and will work to ensure Inside SI reflects the diverse and unique voices of all members of the SI community.  Credit for this class will be included in the SI GPA calculation.

Enrollment in this class is subject to Moderator Approval.  Individuals who apply for and are accepted as Editor-in-Chief during the Spring semester will be enrolled by the moderators during the Fall semester of the school year.

*This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day, 8th period ONLY: This class meets weekly to discuss journalism topics and conduct planning for issues.  During the two weeks prior to each issue’s production, students will meet every day after school for approximately 3 hours.


Advanced Journalism II

Course No: 9416
Subject: College Preparatory Electives
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course Length: Year
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: G
Prerequisite: Journalism or Journalism-II, Advanced Journalism
Criteria for Enrollment: Strong interest in journalism, desktop publishing, editing, and writing. Admission is by application, and enrollment is via roster submitted by instructor. Students should not list this course on their Schedule Request Forms. alism, desktop publishing, editing, and writing. Admission is by application, and enrollment is via roster submitted by instructor. Students should not list this course on their Schedule Request Forms.

Students enrolled in Advanced Journalism-II will serve as a second-year Editor-in-Chief for Inside SI.

Advanced Journalism is a year-long 8th period course in which students will learn the skills necessary to serve as Editor-in-Chief for the school newspaper of St. Ignatius, Inside SI.  The primary objective of this class is the publishing of six issues of Inside SI.  As such, students will be involved in all areas of publication production, including creating the master schedule, generating feature topics, determining content, supervising reporters in each department (Affinity, Arts, Feature, Humor, Op-Ed, Outside SI News, SI News, Sports, and Spotlight), writing articles, editing, laying out pages for each issue, and overall design. In the process of generating content, writing their stories, and laying out newspaper pages, students will learn to use specialized software for word processing, page layout, graphic design, and distribution management. Students enrolled in this course will practice effective collaboration skills, lead training sessions, and will work to ensure Inside SI reflects the diverse and unique voices of all members of the SI community.  This course will NOT be included in the SI GPA calculation.

Enrollment in this class is subject to Moderator Approval.  Individuals who apply for and are accepted as Editor-in-Chief during the Spring semester will be enrolled by the moderators during the Fall semester of the school year.

*This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day, 8th period ONLY: This class meets weekly to discuss journalism topics and conduct planning for issues.  During the two weeks prior to each issue’s production, students will meet every day after school for approximately 3 hours.

Advanced Placement Science Lab – Biology

Course No: 3067
Subject: Science
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Length: Year
Course Type: AP/Honors, Elective
Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AP Biology
Criteria for Enrollment: Students who qualify for and enroll in AP Biology must also enroll in this course.

AP Science courses require an intensive laboratory component extending beyond the regular class meetings.  Once per week for 50 minutes, the Laboratory course will meet outside of the regular bell schedule.  Meetings will occur before or after school.  Students who anticipate a scheduling conflict in the time period before school are asked to contact the Science Department chair.

*This course receives a half-credit – graded pass/fail

Advanced Placement Science Lab – Chemistry

Course No: 3068
Subject: Science
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Length: Year
Course Type: AP/Honors, Elective
Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AP Chemistry
Criteria for Enrollment: Students who qualify for and enroll in AP Chemistry must also enroll in this course.

AP Science courses require an intensive laboratory component extending beyond the regular class meetings.  Once per week for 50 minutes, the Laboratory course will meet outside of the regular bell schedule.  Meetings will occur before or after school.  Students who anticipate a scheduling conflict in the time period before school are asked to contact the Science Department chair.

*This course receives a half-credit – graded pass/fail

Advanced Placement Science Lab – Physics

Course No: 3069
Subject: Science
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Length: Year
Course Type: AP/Honors, Elective
Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AP Physics
Criteria for Enrollment: Students who qualify for and enroll in AP Physics must also enroll in this course.

AP Science courses require an intensive laboratory component extending beyond the regular class meetings.  Once per week for 50 minutes, the Laboratory course will meet outside of the regular bell schedule.  Meetings will occur before or after school.  Students who anticipate a scheduling conflict in the time period before school are asked to contact the Science Department chair.

*This course receives a half-credit – graded pass/fail

Advanced Science Research Project

Course No: 3065
Subject: Science
Grade Level: 9
Course Length: Year
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: G
Prerequisite: Completion of one semester Science Research Project
Criteria for Enrollment: Permission of instructor or Department Chair

(Physical or Life Science) Students perform one or more additional independent science or engineering research projects, beyond those completed in the first semester Science Research Project course, or perform a substantial extension of a project completed in the previous course.  This is an independent study course, with flexible meeting times that will be arranged to fit the schedules of the students.  This course is taken in addition to the science requirement for graduation.  Enrollment in Advanced Science Research does not qualify a student for a study period during the regular academic day.

*Taken as an independent study with the guidance of science teacher

Advanced Yearbook Design and Publication A/B

Course No: 9425, 9426
Subject: College Preparatory Electives
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Length: Year
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: G
Prerequisite: None
Criteria for Enrollment: Strong interest in graphic design, photography, desktop publishing. Admission is by application, and enrollment is via roster submitted by instructor. Students should not list this course on their Schedule Request Forms.

The Ignatian is the yearbook of St. Ignatius College Preparatory, published annually and distributed to all students and staff. Yearbook Design and Publication is a challenging course in which the primary objective is for students to create and produce a yearbook that documents the unique history of a school year. This course provides students the opportunity to develop and improve leadership and collaboration skills, compassionately tackle social justice issues and the nuances of equity and inclusion, strengthen their analytical and problem solving skills, enhance communication skills, work with advanced technology, and take on tremendous responsibility while working under multiple hard deadlines. Yearbook students learn and practice the fundamentals of theme development, journalistic writing, photojournalism, graphic design, and distribution management. Yearbook students act as ambassadors to all members of the school community, working together to ensure that each of the diverse and unique voices at St. Ignatius is represented in a thoughtful, creative, and original way in the yearbook. Yearbook students will instruct, schedule, and supervise staff members working in each section of the yearbook (Academics, Arts, Athletics, Clubs, Freshman, Junior, Photography, Senior, Sophomore, Spirituality, Student Life, Writing). Yearbook students will be required to attend regular meetings, as well as to photograph events outside of school.

Selected students enrolled in the Advanced course will develop the annual yearbook theme in consultation with the moderator(s) and principal, design the cover and endsheets in consultation with the publisher’s art department, build the yearbook ladder and index, liase with publisher representative(s) and technical support staff from Varsity Yearbooks, and solicit feedback on and approval of all pages from selected adults in the St. Ignatius community, making suggested corrections before the pages are submitted to the publisher.  Students enrolled in the Advanced course may be required to attend additional meetings during the school year and yearbook camp during the summer before enrollment.

This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day, 8th period ONLY

    • Second Year Taken: ADVANCED YEARBOOK DESIGN AND PUBLICATION B (9426) – This course will NOT be included in the SI GPA calculation.

Algebra 1

Course No: 2100
Subject: Mathematics
Grade Level: 9
Course Length: Year
Course Type: Core Lower-Division
UC/CSU Subject Approval: C
Prerequisite: None
Criteria for Enrollment: Algebra Placement Examination, Entrance Examination
Fulfillments: Required for graduation

Algebra 1 is a traditional course in elementary algebra with an emphasis on solving problems.  The course falls into four basic parts: 1) the four operations on real numbers and their use in the solution of simple equations and related problems; 2) polynomials, factoring, and fractions, leading to the solution of more complicated problems; 3) inequalities, functions and relations, and systems of open sentences; and 4) irrational numbers and quadratic functions and equations.  A Texas Instruments TI-83 or TI-84 series graphing calculator is required.

Algebra 1 Accelerated

Course No: 2104
Subject: Mathematics
Grade Level: 9
Course Length: Year
Course Type: Core Lower-Division
UC/CSU Subject Approval: C
Prerequisite: Some experience with Algebra concepts in 8th grade
Criteria for Enrollment: Approval of Department Chair; entrance examination recommending performance on departmental placement exam in April, prior to enrollment
Fulfillments: Required for graduation

The course follows the general goals and objectives of the regular Algebra 1 course.  In addition, advanced topics of algebra are introduced: absolute value equations and inequalities, linear programming, polynomial functions and their graphs, analytic techniques to explore various curves, and an introduction to topics of geometry and trigonometry. Finally, students will be given challenging problems appropriate for an accelerated course.  A Texas Instruments TI-83 or TI-84 series graphing calculator is required.

Algebra 2

Course No: 2300
Subject: Mathematics
Grade Level: 11
Course Length: Year
Course Type: Core Lower-Division
UC/CSU Subject Approval: C
Prerequisite: Algebra 1, Geometry
Criteria for Enrollment: None
Fulfillments: Required for graduation

The first part of the course reviews basic terminology, notation, concepts, skills, and application of elementary algebra by examination of the real number system.  This part includes real number concepts and skills involving operations with positive and negative numbers and zero, solution of linear equations and inequalities, one and two variable equations, solving verbal problems, properties of polynomials and rational expressions.   Ideas such as set, variable, number line, open sentence, ordered pair, equivalent sentences, and Cartesian coordinate system are studied and the student is required to demonstrate ability to solve problems involving these concepts.

The course also includes the concepts of function and relation and emphasizes linear and quadratic relations and functions.  The text chapters discussing this material employ symbols, concepts, and methods presented in the earlier chapters.  Thus, the course continually grows and builds on learned material.  The course also includes discussions on exponential functions and logarithms, and a short look at trigonometry.  A Texas Instruments TI-83 or TI-84 series graphing calculator is required.