Advanced Journalism

Course No: 9415
Subject: College Preparatory Electives
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course Length: Year
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: G
Prerequisite: Journalism or Journalism II
Criteria for Enrollment: Strong interest in journalism, desktop publishing, editing, and writing. Admission is by application, and enrollment is via roster submitted by instructor. Students should not list this course on their Schedule Request Forms.

Advanced Journalism is an 8th period course in which students will learn the skills necessary to serve as Editor-in-Chief for the school newspaper of St. Ignatius, Inside SI.  The primary objective of this class is the publishing of six issues of Inside SI.  As such, students will be involved in all areas of publication production, including creating the master schedule, generating feature topics, determining content, supervising reporters in each department (Affinity, Arts, Feature, Humor, Op-Ed, Outside SI News, SI News, Sports, and Spotlight), writing articles, editing, laying out pages for each issue, and overall design. In the process of generating content, writing their stories, and laying out newspaper pages, students will learn to use specialized software for word processing, page layout, graphic design, and distribution management. Students enrolled in this course will practice effective collaboration skills, lead training sessions, and will work to ensure Inside SI reflects the diverse and unique voices of all members of the SI community.  Credit for this class will be included in the SI GPA calculation.

Enrollment in this class is subject to Moderator Approval.  Individuals who apply for and are accepted as Editor-in-Chief during the Spring semester will be enrolled by the moderators during the Fall semester of the school year.

*This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day, 8th period ONLY: This class meets weekly to discuss journalism topics and conduct planning for issues.  During the two weeks prior to each issue’s production, students will meet every day after school for approximately 3 hours.