Latin 4 Prose is an advanced level language course for the serious student who has mastered the basic elements and concepts of Latin 1 and 2, and 3 and wishes to continue the study of Latin literature, but not as Advanced Placement. The Latin Prose student reviews all Latin forms and grammar, and becomes more proficient in reading, understanding and translating the classical Latin periodic sentence in Roman prose writers such as Cicero, Livy, and Pliny. Students will encounter the genres of history, commentary, and oratory.
NOTE: LATIN 4 PROSE is offered in the Fall of odd years (2025, 2027,etc.)
Latin 3 Prose is an advanced level language course for the serious student who has mastered the basic elements and concepts of Latin 1 and 2, and those students wishing to continue their Latin study, but not as Advanced Placement. The Latin Prose student completes the learning of Latin forms and grammar, concentrating on use of infinitives, subjunctive verbs, gerunds, and gerundives within the classical Latin periodic sentence in Roman prose writers such as Cicero, Livy, and Pliny. Students will encounter the genres of history, commentary, and oratory.
NOTE: LATIN 3 PROSE is offered in the Fall of odd years (2025, 2027,etc.)
DANCE 1A is a special section of the introductory survey course designed for dancers with at least one year of prior dance training in any style. DANCE 1A will include physical practice in the techniques of ballet, jazz dance, and social dance, with a greater focus on technical proficiency and performance skills. Students will study dance history, dance composition, and improvisational techniques. Through written work and class discussions, students will learn to analyze dance performance as an art form through a critical, informed, and appreciative lens. Students will work collaboratively to explore dance elements and perform choreography both in class and in public performance. To be approved for the special section of DANCE 1A, students must audition in person or by video. Contact the Dance Director for more information on audition requirements.
Communication about many serious issues in the modern day is often marked by a distinct lack of nuance, reliability, and articulate expression. Competitive Speech and Debate is a course designed to help build the skills necessary to communicate effectively and persuasively in today’s world. Student will build all the necessary skills to do credible research, critically organize their thoughts, and compose writing that effectively articulates their point of view. Students will employ the skills they learn in competitive settings to receive feedback from a wide range of audiences, understanding the nuances of communicating their thoughts to diverse groups.
Some of the outcomes for students who take this class are:
- Advanced Communication Skills
- Critical Thinking Proficiency
- Confidence in Public Speaking
- Collaborative and Ethical Discourse
- Adaptive Leadership and Civic Engagement
UC/CSU Subject G Approval
This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day.
Game Design and Development is an introductory science and technology laboratory course where students will learn basic coding skills while utilizing the popular gaming platforms Unity and Roblox to create their own video games. Students will explore multiple programming languages, including but not limited to C-Sharp, C++, Lua, and JavaScript. Students will be introduced to fundamental concepts such as: variables, looping, conditional statements, functions, 3D modeling, graphics, and the algorithms that make computers work. Students will demonstrate critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills in hands-on collaborative lab experiences.
UC/CSU Subject D Approval (pending)
This class will be offered pending adequate enrollment.
Latin 4 Poetry is an advanced level language course for the serious student who has mastered the basic elements and concepts of Latin 1 and 2, and those students wishing to continue their Latin study but not as Advanced Placement. The Latin Poetry 3/4 student completes the learning of Latin forms and grammar, concentrating on use of infinitives, subjunctive verbs, gerunds and gerundives as used
by Roman poets such as Catullus, Ovid, Vergil and Martial. Students will encounter the genres of love poetry, myth, epic and satire.
NOTE: LATIN 4 POETRY is offered in the Fall of even years (2024, 2026, etc.)
Latin 3 Poetry is an intermediate level language course designed for those students who have acquired satisfactory competency during their first two years of language study. The course builds upon the skills and material covered in Latin 1 and 2. It reviews all major grammatical structures and introduces a broader scope of grammatical knowledge. Latin 3 students will acquire greater confidence in their ability to read and translate Latin through the love poems of Catullus and the mythological stories of Ovid.
NOTE: LATIN 3 POETRY is offered in the Fall of even years (2024, 2026, etc.)
Chemistry in the Community (Physical Science) is an alternative chemistry curriculum that presents chemistry as a powerful way of thinking, rather than a static body of knowledge. In Chemistry in the Community, students engage with four important issues of 21st century science: energy, sources, environmental challenges, life and medicine, and material design. The focus is to use core concepts and ideas in chemistry as tools to understand these issues and the current efforts to solve them. Students build understanding of chemical ideas and phenomena in interactive activities with relevant topics, laboratory investigations, design challenges, analysis skills, and cost-benefit evaluations.
Chemistry in the Community does not satisfy the prerequisites for future honors or AP classes. Students who successfully complete this course can appeal for admission to honors or AP.
UC/CSU Subject D Approval (pending)
During this course, students will cover the fundamentals of problem solving, program design, algorithms, and programming using a high-level language (Java). Students will build and program robots in laboratory sessions, and develop skills in mechanical computer-assisted design (CAD) as they work in teams to build simple and complex robotic devices. Students will apply concepts learned in physical science and physics classes to mechanical devices using a variety of hands-on activities culminating with their participation in the global FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Competition during the second semester. The class will also explore usage of robotics in modern business and industry and examine how robotic devices are affecting our lives and shaping our culture. No previous computer programming or electronics experience is necessary.
Students in this semester-long course explore spirituality through the analogy of sports. Students will determine how human beings encounter the Holy in the midst of everyday life with emphasis on athletic experiences as an athlete and/or as a fan (of specific athletes, teams, and/or sporting events). Students will also examine the relationship between competitive, organized athletics and elements of communal religious practice and purpose. Included is a study of embedded meaning associated with the movement of the human body, an analysis of ritual practice, a survey of major events where sports and religious practice intersect, and a differentiation between religious practice and personal spirituality. Ultimately, students will come to know more deeply the ways in which one relates to the Holy or the Transcendent in the course of their own faith journey, and how personal faith contributes to communal practice and celebration of what is Holy and Transcendent.