Mandarin 3H is an advanced language course designed for students identified during their first two years as superior Mandarin students, who wish to become fluent in Mandarin and prepare themselves for Mandarin 4 AP. This course broadens the range of grammatical structures the students can effectively use in communication. Considerable emphasis will be given to enriching the students’ active vocabulary and increasing their ability to comprehend and express themselves in spoken and written Mandarin. The students will be required to speak in Mandarin in various situations ranging from class discussions to oral presentations and skits. Students will be able to read with comprehension selected short stories and various articles. This course includes a closer look at the classic and modern Chinese culture, enriching the student’s vocabulary and deepening his or her awareness of the Mandarin-speaking world. This class is conducted mainly in Mandarin and students are expected to speak in Mandarin at all times.
*Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations
Mandarin 4 is a two-semester course designed for students who have received an A, B or C+ in Mandarin 3 and/or teacher approval. This course is designed for students who are interested in using their foundation in Mandarin to explore in greater depth the cultures of the Chinese world through art, film, literature, history, current events, and social justice issues. The primary aim of this course is to improve the student’s ability to speak, read, write and comprehend Mandarin in more sophisticated contexts. The student will review vocabulary and grammar, master new advanced language concepts, and enhance his/her knowledge of the diversity of the Mandarin-speaking world. The class is conducted entirely in Mandarin except for complex grammatical explanations and students are expected to speak in Mandarin at all times.
This course is designed to give each student thorough preparation in basic Trigonometry and Statistics. THIS COURSE IS NOT MEANT TO BE A PREPARATION FOR CALCULUS. Topics include the Trigonometric and Circular functions and their applications, Identities, Oblique Triangle Trig, and Vectors (in two dimensions) in rectangular and polar form. The course also includes an introduction to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. A Texas Instruments TI-83 or TI-84 series graphing calculator is required.
Math Teaching Assistants provide support for the math department (1 hour/week) either before school, after school, or during resource period in one or more of the following ways:
- Assist students taking courses in which the Teaching Assistant has demonstrated mastery.
- Assist with grading assignments that require no teacher interpretation.
Students interested in being a Teaching Assistant are required to fill out a short application available from their teacher or the math department chair. Teaching Assistants are typically supervised by an individual teacher, whose signature is required at the time of application. Students will be selected based on department needs and student qualifications. In some cases, students taking AP math courses will have priority in being a Teaching Assistant due to their qualifications in offering peer assistance.
This course is open to all sophomores, juniors and seniors. Students will be introduced to good practice procedures for choral rehearsal and to an awareness of different styles of choral music. Student achievement will involve study of sight-singing, notation, phrasing, rhythm, harmony and musical terminology. Students will be expected to spend additional hours beyond the regular class time. Students are expected to attend all rehearsals and performances. Ensembles will perform at concerts and choral festivals.
This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day. Meets 1 evening per week, plus performances.
One Semester; offered after school/evenings ONLY
First Semester Taken: Mixed Chorus A (6551)
Second Semester Taken: Mixed Chorus B (6552)
This course is open to all sophomores, juniors and seniors. Students will be introduced to good practice procedures for choral rehearsal and to an awareness of different styles of choral music. Student achievement will involve study of sight-singing, notation, phrasing, rhythm, harmony and musical terminology. Students will be expected to spend additional hours beyond the regular class time. Students are expected to attend all rehearsals and performances. Ensembles will perform at concerts and choral festivals.
This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day. Meets 1 evening per week, plus performances.
One Semester; offered after school/evenings ONLY
First Semester Taken: Mixed Chorus A (6551)
Second Semester Taken: Mixed Chorus B (6552)
This course is open to all sophomores, juniors and seniors who have completed Mixed Chorus A/B. Students will be introduced to good practice procedures for choral rehearsal and to an awareness of different styles of choral music. Student achievement will involve study of sight-singing, notation, phrasing, rhythm, harmony and musical terminology. Students will be expected to spend additional hours beyond the regular class time. Students are expected to attend all rehearsals and performances. Ensembles will perform at concerts and choral festivals.
This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day. Meets 1 evening per week, plus performances.
One Semester; offered after school/evenings ONLY
First Semester Taken: Mixed Chorus A (6551)
Second Semester Taken: Mixed Chorus B (6552)
Subsequent Semesters Taken: Mixed Chorus C (9853)
Study of the cultural, political, geopolitical, economic, and religious factors involved in global events from the Age of Exploration and Conquest to the present day. Mastery of basic historical content, the ability to analyze and interpret both primary and secondary source materials, note-taking and research skills will be developed. Writing skills for the Social Sciences, including the development of a formal thesis, the defense of that thesis through in-class writing and a formal research paper, and identifying historical significance are a major focus. Students will also be able to trace the roots of global inequality and consider the major world events of the 20th century that continue to form our modern world.
Study of the cultural, political, geopolitical, economic, and religious factors involved in global events from the Age of Exploration and Conquest to the present day. Mastery of basic historical content, the ability to analyze and interpret both primary and secondary source materials, note-taking and research skills will be developed. Writing skills for the Social Sciences, including the development of a formal thesis, the defense of that thesis through in-class writing and a formal research paper, and identifying historical significance are a major focus. Students will also be able to trace the roots of global inequality and consider the major world events of the 20th century that continue to form our modern world.
This course meets Monday-Thursday for 50 minutes (8:00 am – 8:50 am). Students who will have morning practice or another morning commitment for the whole year that would prevent them from coming to class at 8:00 am should not take this class, as regular attendance is required.
This class is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day. Zero period Modern World History classes will be of average size. Courses offered during the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day will be double the average class size, team-taught by two teachers.
This is an introductory computer art and design course with a focus on 2D and 3D graphics, sound and video-editing software. Coursework includes a variety of design projects created with software programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Procreate, Logic, FL Studio, Soundtrap, Final Cut Pro, Premiere, TinkerCAD, and game design in Roblox. The learning of traditional art and design principles will be integrated into students’ creative work and the course will culminate with a digital portfolio.