Mandarin 3

Course No: 4630
Subject: Mandarin
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Length: Year
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: E
Prerequisite: Mandarin 2 or placement by examination
Criteria for Enrollment: Minimum semester grade of C in Mandarin 2 or placement by written and oral examination
Fulfillments: Meets one year of language graduation requirement

Mandarin 3 is a third-year course that continues the study and development of Mandarin to high intermediate level. This course builds upon the skills and materials covered in Mandarin 1 and 2. It broadens the range of grammatical structures the students can effectively use in day-to-day communication, focusing on listening and reading comprehension skills, and developing students’ oral and written skills in the language. This course includes a closer look at the classic and modern Chinese culture, enriching the student’s vocabulary and deepening his or her awareness of the Mandarin-speaking world. This class is conducted mainly in Mandarin, except when complex grammar concepts require a clearer explanation in English. Students are expected to speak in Mandarin at all times.