Foundations of Ethics, Morality & Justice: RS 300

Course No: 8300
Subject: Religious Studies
Grade Level: 11
Course Length: Year
Course Type: Core Upper-Division
UC/CSU Subject Approval: G
Prerequisite: Religious Studies 101, 201
Criteria for Enrollment: All juniors must enroll
Fulfillments: Requirement for graduation

The foundation to this course is the call to uphold and promote the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.  This two-semester course engages students in the broad philosophical and theological discussions of good and evil, right and wrong, freedom and duty, in and beyond the practical moral decisions of everyday life. The first semester establishes an understanding of human dignity, informed conscience, and emphasizes a spectrum of principles and virtues.  The second semester introduces the tradition of social justice, Catholic social teaching, and the common good.  Students will tackle some of the most compelling dilemmas and dreams of the human experience.

Religious Studies 101: Finding God in All Things

Course No: 8101
Subject: Religious Studies
Grade Level: 9
Course Length: Year
Course Type: Core Lower-Division
UC/CSU Subject Approval: G
Prerequisite: None
Criteria for Enrollment: All freshmen must enroll
Fulfillments: Requirement for graduation

This class is an exploration into the complexity and depth of the human experience through a Catholic lens. St. Ignatius will be a key dialogue partner, using his life as a springboard for students to uncover their own spiritual path and desires. Animated by the Catholic belief in the sacramentality of all creation, students will be challenged to reflect on the rituals, objects and symbols that charge their own lives with meaning. Core learning outcomes are to support student’s promotion of human dignity and developing a desire to build the Reign of God. Special focus will be on forming students to do a faith that does justice, exploring questions of inclusion, conscience, culture and identity.  Toward this end, all students participate in the Frosh Retreat in the context of this course.  The retreat includes a service project and reflection activities organized by the campus ministry department.  Finally, students will conclude the year examining the relational and sexual dimension of human experience, probing ancient wisdom for guidance in discerning how to live towards greater healing and liberation.

Religious Studies 102: History of Covenant

Course No: 8102
Subject: Religious Studies
Grade Level: 9
Course Length: Semester
Course Type: Core Lower-Division
UC/CSU Subject Approval: A

What does it mean to “Find God in All Things”?  This class is an exploration into the complexity and depth of the religious imagination as modeled by St. Ignatius. The course proposes “covenant” as a historical thread that has followed Abrahamic religions throughout their histories as students are introduced to religious studies through the examples of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Students will apply a framework of belief, ritual, morality, and community in learning about how religions gain historical traction and relevance, and how culture and moral vision endure in many covenantal contexts today. Animated by the Catholic belief in the sacramentality of all creation, students will be challenged to reflect on the history, rituals, and symbols that charge their own lives with meaning. Special focus will be on forming students to do a faith that does justice, exploring questions of inclusion, conscience, culture and identity.

Religious Studies 103: Literature of Covenant

Course No: 8103
Subject: Religious Studies
Grade Level: 9
Course Length: Semester
Course Type: Core Lower-Division
UC/CSU Subject Approval: B

How do stories reveal to us who we are? How does our literature create our shared values and community? This course seeks to create a basic foundation of understanding the Hebrew Bible. In investigating the many types of literature within the Hebrew Bible, students will better understand the various ways to read texts and apply shared narratives to their own individual and communal experiences. As a lasting record of “covenant,” students will understand the Bible as constitutive for how different faith communities have come to understand themselves and their identities, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Students will conclude the course examining the relational and sexual dimension of human experience, probing covenantal wisdom for guidance in discerning the healing and liberative nature of human relationship.

Religious Studies 201: Christology

Course No: 8201
Subject: Religious Studies
Grade Level: 10
Course Length: Semester
Course Type: Core Lower-Division
UC/CSU Subject Approval: B
Prerequisite: Religious Studies 101
Criteria for Enrollment: All sophomores must enroll
Fulfillments: Requirement for graduation

At a pivotal moment in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus asks his disciples “Who do you say that I am?”  The confusion that ensues among his followers is emblematic of the struggle that Christians and non-Christians alike have had throughout history to answer that very question.  In this course, students will be challenged to offer their own unique contributions to the discourse on the identity of Jesus.  They will grapple directly with the question Jesus posed to his disciples by developing responses based on multiple and intersecting paradigms: the personal, the historical, the theological, and the anthropological to name just a few.  Effectively engaging with the course will lead to greater skills in the areas of critical thinking, cultural competency, and religious imagination, among others.

Religious Studies 447: Encountering the World’s Religion

Course No: 8447
Subject: Religious Studies
Grade Level: 12
Course Length: Semester
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: A
Prerequisite: Religious Studies 101, 201, 300
Criteria for Enrollment: None
Fulfillments: Meets requirement for one of seven semesters of Religious Studies

The goal of this course is to introduce students to the major religious traditions of the world and uncover what they have to teach about ourselves and the challenge of living in the 21st century.  We will focus on the core teachings of these traditions and supplement our readings with various mediums, including religious art and film.   An introduction to the study of religion and an overview of the characteristics of primal religions will form the foundation of our studies. An in-depth analysis of the major “world religions,” including Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism, will follow. The common end of our diverse wisdom traditions is to transform our humanity into divine, awakened consciousness, enabling us to see the “divine in all things,” as St. Ignatius would say.  Our ultimate goal, then, will be to overcome fear and ignorance in order to become religiously literate and compassionate citizens, aware of a deep unity that underlies all of reality.

Religious Studies 460: Human Sexuality

Course No: 8460
Subject: Religious Studies
Grade Level: 12
Course Length: Semester
Course Type: Elective
Prerequisite: Religious Studies 100, 200, 300
Criteria for Enrollment: None
Fulfillments: Meets requirement for one of seven semesters of Religious Studies

This course is an exploration of the study of human sexuality as an all-embracing, all pervasive gift of God to each and every human being.  Viewed from the physical (biological and psychological) and spiritual (moral) points of view, this class will treat sexuality as it is dealt with in modern science, contemporary society, the Word of God, and the teachings of the Church.  Emphasis will be placed on helping students develop a healthy appreciation of their own sexuality and stress the importance of integrating values that promote self respect and integrity in both the way they reason and ultimately in the way they choose to live.

Religious Studies 470: The Ignatian Way

Course No: 8470
Subject: Religious Studies
Grade Level: 12
Course Length: Semester
Course Type: Elective
Prerequisite: Religious Studies 101, 201, 300
Criteria for Enrollment: None
Fulfillments: Meets requirement for one of seven semesters of Religious Studies

In this course, students will elect to undergo the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.  In a retreat-like format, students will engage in meditation, contemplation and other forms of prayer in order to come to a better understanding of themselves as young adults in the 21st century and to recognize and respond to Ignatius’ invitation to “find God in all things.” Students should come with a desire to develop or deepen their personal relationship with God/Jesus under the guidance of St. Ignatius. With prayer as the daily foundation, students will use readings, film, discussion, and daily journaling to encounter God through the person of Jesus Christ.  Students should be willing to share their faith journey and prayer experiences both in journaling and in small group sharing. With the Exercises, a student chooses to undertake an intensely personal and oftentimes arduous journey, one that is shared with others in a structured and supportive environment.

Religious Studies 471: Telling Stories – Faith, Film and Fiction

Course No: 8471
Subject: Religious Studies
Grade Level: 12
Course Length: Semester
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: B
Prerequisite: Religious Studies 101, 201, 300
Criteria for Enrollment: None
Fulfillments: Meets requirement for one of seven semesters of Religious Studies

In this semester course students explore and examine the “Catholic Imagination,” investigating the presence of God in everyday life.  Catholics believe that we inhabit a sacramental world, where God can be seen, heard, observed and felt in the ordinary. By examining the works of writers, artists and filmmakers, we will deepen our awareness of God’s sacramental presence in creation. We will work together to understand how sacraments are “outward signs of an inward grace.”

Religious Studies 472: Science and Religion

Course No: 8472
Subject: Religious Studies
Grade Level: 12
Course Length: Semester
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: G
Prerequisite: Religious Studies 101, 201, 300
Criteria for Enrollment: None
Fulfillments: Meets requirement for one of seven semesters of Religious Studies

Are science and religion enemies, strangers, or partners?  We investigate this fundamental question in a semester-long course that introduces the philosophical, theological, and ethical relationship between science and religion. Both science and religion are quests for understanding that fundamentally shape our world, but these disciplines ask different questions and follow different methods. While they may appear to conflict, closer examination reveals room for a deeper engagement through fruitful dialogue and constructive integration.  Students will grapple with several of the “big questions” which animate the relationship between science and religion, like: “Does the universe have a purpose?” “Is faith compatible with evolution?” “Does science make belief in God obsolete?” and “What does it mean to be human?”