Advanced Yearbook Design and Publication A/B

The Ignatian is the yearbook of St. Ignatius College Preparatory, published annually and distributed to all students and staff. Yearbook Design and Publication is a challenging course in which the primary objective is for students to create and produce a yearbook that documents the unique history of a school year. This course provides students the opportunity to develop and improve leadership and collaboration skills, compassionately tackle social justice issues and the nuances of equity and inclusion, strengthen their analytical and problem solving skills, enhance communication skills, work with advanced technology, and take on tremendous responsibility while working under multiple hard deadlines. Yearbook students learn and practice the fundamentals of theme development, journalistic writing, photojournalism, graphic design, and distribution management. Yearbook students act as ambassadors to all members of the school community, working together to ensure that each of the diverse and unique voices at St. Ignatius is represented in a thoughtful, creative, and original way in the yearbook. Yearbook students will instruct, schedule, and supervise staff members working in each section of the yearbook (Academics, Arts, Athletics, Clubs, Freshman, Junior, Photography, Senior, Sophomore, Spirituality, Student Life, Writing). Yearbook students will be required to attend regular meetings, as well as to photograph events outside of school.

Selected students enrolled in the Advanced course will develop the annual yearbook theme in consultation with the moderator(s) and principal, design the cover and endsheets in consultation with the publisher’s art department, build the yearbook ladder and index, liase with publisher representative(s) and technical support staff from Varsity Yearbooks, and solicit feedback on and approval of all pages from selected adults in the St. Ignatius community, making suggested corrections before the pages are submitted to the publisher.  Students enrolled in the Advanced course may be required to attend additional meetings during the school year and yearbook camp during the summer before enrollment.

This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day, 8th period ONLY

    • Second Year Taken: ADVANCED YEARBOOK DESIGN AND PUBLICATION B (9426) – This course will NOT be included in the SI GPA calculation.

Film Editing and Production (SITV) (8) 8th period

Film Editing and Production (SITV 101) is a full-year elective that counts towards the GPA.  The course will provide students with a deeper understanding of:
1) video editing skills for professional and social media use;
2) video camera skills for eye-catching and creative imagery: and
3) drone, gimbal, camera, audio, and lighting knowledge for technical mastery of high-end equipment.

Students will learn how to manipulate music and footage to create engaging videos to reach their intended audiences.  Students will collaborate with the student body to produce the school’s announcements, whether it be via commercials with athletes and performers or interviews with faculty and students.  Students will learn techniques to produce high quality video material and the steps necessary in pre and post production to satisfy goals.  By the end of the year, students will be fully equipped to blueprint, produce, and market their own top-end videos.

Students will meet 1 afternoon per week for 3 hours.

First Year Taken: Film Editing and Production (SITV) (9430) – 8th period.

Second and Subsequent Year Taken: Advanced Film Editing and Production (SITV) (9435) – 8th period. This course is NOT UC approved and does NOT count in the GPA.

This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day. 


Chamber Singers B

This course is a mixed singing ensemble intended for singers of advanced ability and specializes in performance of challenging literature of diverse genre.  Students will read music notation in treble and bass clefs, demonstrate understanding of more complex notation, demonstrate knowledge of terminology pertinent to the performance of choral music, demonstrate and understand correct singing technique, and demonstrate appropriate rehearsal discipline and performance skills.  Students will be expected to spend additional hours beyond the regular class time.  Students are expected to attend all rehearsals, performances and choral festivals.  The class generally meets before school in the morning.

First Semester Taken:  Chamber Singers A (6546)

Second Semester Taken:  Chamber Singers B (6547)

Subsequent Semesters Taken: Chamber Singers C (9863)

This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day. Meets 2-3 mornings per week, plus performances.

Chamber Singers C

This course is a mixed singing ensemble intended for singers of advanced ability and specializes in performance of challenging literature of diverse genre.  Students will read music notation in treble and bass clefs, demonstrate understanding of more complex notation, demonstrate knowledge of terminology pertinent to the performance of choral music, demonstrate and understand correct singing technique, and demonstrate appropriate rehearsal discipline and performance skills.  Students will be expected to spend additional hours beyond the regular class time.  Students are expected to attend all rehearsals, performances and choral festivals.  The class generally meets before school in the morning.

First Semester Taken:  Chamber Singers A (6546)

Second Semester Taken:  Chamber Singers B (6547)

Subsequent Semesters Taken: Chamber Singers C (9863)

This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day. Meets 2-3 mornings per week, plus performances.

Mixed Chorus B

This course is open to all sophomores, juniors and seniors.  Students will be introduced to good practice procedures for choral rehearsal and to an awareness of different styles of choral music.  Student achievement will involve study of sight-singing, notation, phrasing, rhythm, harmony and musical terminology.  Students will be expected to spend additional hours beyond the regular class time.  Students are expected to attend all rehearsals and performances. Ensembles will perform at concerts and choral festivals.


This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day. Meets 1 evening per week, plus performances.


One Semester; offered after school/evenings ONLY

First Semester Taken:  Mixed Chorus A (6551)

Second Semester Taken:  Mixed Chorus B (6552)

Mixed Chorus C

This course is open to all sophomores, juniors and seniors who have completed Mixed Chorus A/B.  Students will be introduced to good practice procedures for choral rehearsal and to an awareness of different styles of choral music.  Student achievement will involve study of sight-singing, notation, phrasing, rhythm, harmony and musical terminology.  Students will be expected to spend additional hours beyond the regular class time.  Students are expected to attend all rehearsals and performances. Ensembles will perform at concerts and choral festivals.


This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day. Meets 1 evening per week, plus performances.


One Semester; offered after school/evenings ONLY

First Semester Taken:  Mixed Chorus A (6551)

Second Semester Taken:  Mixed Chorus B (6552)

Subsequent Semesters Taken: Mixed Chorus C (9853)

Orchestra B

An audition is required to participate.  Auditions are held at the beginning of Fall Semester, and again in December for the following Spring Semester.  Students develop technical mastery in all aspects of ensemble playing, including tone production, intonation, rhythmic execution and musicianship.  Orchestra performs works from the baroque, classical, romantic and 20th century repertoire from MENC grades 4-5, and will perform at the CMEA festival in the spring.


This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day, offered after school/evenings ONLY.  Meets 1 evening per week, plus performances. 


First Semester Taken:  Orchestra A (6521)

Second Semester Taken:  Orchestra B (6522)

Subsequent Semesters Taken:  Orchestra C (9803)

Orchestra C

This is the symphonic orchestra for which an audition is required to participate.  Auditions are held at the beginning of Fall Semester, and again in December for the following Spring Semester.  Students develop technical mastery in all aspects of ensemble playing, including tone production, intonation, rhythmic execution and musicianship.  Orchestra performs works from the baroque, classical, romantic and 20th century repertoire from MENC grades 4-5, and will perform at the CMEA festival in the spring.


This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day. Meets 1 evening per week, plus performances. (Fall: Mondays 2:45-5:00-pm/Spring: Mondays 6:00-8:30pm)


First Semester Taken:  Orchestra A (6521)

Second Semester Taken:  Orchestra B (6522)

Subsequent Semesters Taken:  Orchestra C (9803)

Pep Band A

This course is open to all wind, brass, and percussion students.  It will include a variety of styles and difficulties of concert band and pep band music.  A cornerstone of this ensemble will be developing technical proficiency on each student’s instrument, as well as establishing a strong level of ensemble cohesion.  Music of all historical periods (including 20th century and popular music), various cultures, and multiple geographic areas will be studied for performance.  Students will participate in a two-week band camp during August (mandatory) to prepare for football season performances.  In rehearsal, students will be graded daily on their preparedness and involvement.  Additionally, periodic playing tests will be given to assess progress and these are also graded with a rubric that reflects the core concepts of intonation, proper fingerings/positions/sticking, correct rhythms, and overall musicianship.

This course is offered during 0 period. (8:00-8:45 am, Tue, Thu during fall semester ONLY) Meets 2 mornings per week, plus:

    • 8 home football & volleyball games (and playoffs, if applicable) for the FALL semester

First Semester Taken:  Pep Band A (6538)

Second Semester Taken:  Pep Band B (6539)

Subsequent Semesters Taken:  Pep Band C (9818)

Advanced Placement Science Lab – Biology

AP Science courses require an intensive laboratory component extending beyond the regular class meetings.  Once per week for 50 minutes, the Laboratory course will meet outside of the regular bell schedule.  Meetings will occur before or after school.  Students who anticipate a scheduling conflict in the time period before school are asked to contact the Science Department chair.

*This course receives a half-credit – graded pass/fail