Physical Education 316: Foundations in Kinesiology 2

Foundations of Kinesiology is a course that introduces students to the field of Kinesiology and its overall relationship with exercise science, sports performance, and sports psychology.  This UC/CSU approved College Prep Elective (“G”) course will be taught in two one-semester courses allowing maximum flexibility in scheduling.  Students do not have to take Foundations of Kinesiology 1 to take Foundations of Kinesiology 2.

While each course will share common threads in training, nutrition, sports, psychology, and basic human anatomy, each course offers a slightly different approach to discovering the keys that improve performance.  Both courses will involve some physical activity.

Foundations of Kinesiology 2 will concentrate on “why” the body moves by understanding the relationship between fitness principles of exercise and how to improve sports performance.  Foundations 2 will also introduce to students the vocations/careers associated with the field of Kinesiology.

*This class will be offered pending staffing availability and adequate enrollment.

Physical Education 315: Foundation in Kinesiology 1

Foundations of Kinesiology is a course that introduces students to the field of Kinesiology and its overall relationship with exercise science, sports performance, and sports psychology.  This UC/CSU approved College Prep Elective (“G”) course will be taught in two one-semester courses allowing maximum flexibility in scheduling.  Students do not have to take Foundations of Kinesiology 1 to take Foundations of Kinesiology 2.

While each course will share common threads in training, nutrition, sports, psychology, and basic human anatomy, each course offers a slightly different approach to discovering the keys that improve performance.  Both courses will involve some physical activity.

Foundations of Kinesiology 1 will concentrate on “how” the body moves by investigating human movement and understanding the benefits of kinesiology.  Foundations 1 will explore the purpose of exercise and sports nutrition.

*This class will be offered pending staffing availability and adequate enrollment.

Wellness 9: General Physical Education/Wellness

In the spirit of Cura Personalis, this dynamic Wellness course addresses multiple facets of wellness, including: physical, mental, social, spiritual, and sexual.  A complete program where students will be required to move their bodies and engage in concepts associated with healthy living.  Running through the entire course is a focus on mindfulness, including the establishment of a meditation practice.  Students will begin building their physical and wellness footprints while learning essential concepts in the areas of fitness, nutrition, social, and mental health.  A sound body and a sound mind are essential to healthy living.

Physical Education 210: Weight Training and Fitness

PE 210 is a weight lifting and fitness class which introduces resistance training as a lifelong fitness choice.  Through safe lifting technique, appropriate progression and repetition, students will learn more about their bodies and how weight training can support their fitness goals.  This class is centered on the development of Muscular Strength and Muscle Endurance and is appropriate for students new to weight lifting, as well as in and out of season athletes.  In addition to our program, each student must complete a Standard First Aid & CPR (or an equivalent) course during the semester enrolled.  We will offer the CPR/SFA course pending staff availability and enrollment.

*UC/CSU Subject G Approval pending

**This class will be offered pending staffing availability and adequate enrollment.

Physical Education 615: Sports Medicine 1 Prevention & Care of Athletic Injuries

This course prepares students to become student trainers.  This is a lecture, reading, and activity course.  In Sports Medicine 1, students will learn the fundamentals of anatomy, prevention, care, treatment, taping, and rehabilitation of athletic injuries. Students are exposed to a variety of situations/scenarios aimed at achieving a basic knowledge of sports medicine through various “hands-on” activities.  Students are educated and evaluated on their performance through active participation, homework assignments, tests/quizzes, taping, and game day evaluation.

*This class will require 1-2 hours a week of practical work in the Training Room after school.

**This class will be offered pending staffing availability and adequate enrollment.

Physical Education 815: Yoga Fitness

Through movement and in stillness, seeking balance and leaning outside the comfort zone, the PE 815 student has the unique opportunity to focus on personal performance and to build sustainable habits toward becoming the best version of themselves on and off the mat, be it for athletics, performing arts, academics, or for your personal life …. Do you have space in your schedule to focus on yourSelf?

*This class will be offered pending staffing availability and adequate enrollment.