English 303 Honors

English 303H fulfills all the goals of English 300 but requires the students to read several more books and to write longer and more (approximately 20) papers.  These papers require a good understanding of the forms of literature in order that the students will be able to formulate and support accurate, interpretative theses about the literature under study.  At the end of 303H, students usually take the AP English Language and Composition examination.

Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations.

English 300

English 300 covers the literature of the United States from the Puritan Era to the present.  All the forms of literature which have been studied specifically in themselves during the first two years are now studied as they emerge historically through the imaginative lives of major U.S. authors.  This course complements the study of American History, which is also taken during the junior year.  The students’ writing aims at greater and greater control over the expository essay and specifically at developing analytical theses on literature. Students will write at least twelve papers during the year in various rhetorical modes including the personal narrative (at least 1), the expository essay (5-7), the synthesis essay, the timed quick-write, and the creative composition.   After consulting with their teachers, students taking this course may opt to take the AP Language and Composition examination.  Both this course and the honors course prepare students to pass the Junior Writing Exam taken in the second semester.  Students who do not pass this exam with an acceptable score must take Literature and Composition:  Non-fiction during the senior year.

AP Music Theory

Advanced Placement (AP) Music Theory is a fast-paced course including a substantial amount of homework in preparation for the AP music theory exam in May.  This course prepares students to complete college level work in the areas of reading and analyzing notated music and aural training.  Particular emphasis will be placed upon developing listening skills, sight-singing ability and knowledge of rhythm, melody, harmony, form and other compositional devices.

 Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations

*This class will be offered pending adequate enrollment.

**This course meets during the regular school day, periods 1-7, during fall OR spring semester.

Mandarin 1

Mandarin 1 is a two-semester course designed for beginners.  No background in Mandarin is presumed or required.  Mandarin 1 introduces students to the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in Mandarin Chinese.  As students gain knowledge, understanding and fluency, the communication in class will be conducted in Mandarin only. By the end of the year, students are expected to pronounce the sound of Mandarin with reasonable accuracy, and to understand and sustain simple conversations in Chinese. Students will be exposed to Chinese culture in order to develop an understanding of and appreciation for different cultures and people, customs, behavior and traditions.

Algebra 2

The first part of the course reviews basic terminology, notation, concepts, skills, and application of elementary algebra by examination of the real number system.  This part includes real number concepts and skills involving operations with positive and negative numbers and zero, solution of linear equations and inequalities, one and two variable equations, solving verbal problems, properties of polynomials and rational expressions.   Ideas such as set, variable, number line, open sentence, ordered pair, equivalent sentences, and Cartesian coordinate system are studied and the student is required to demonstrate ability to solve problems involving these concepts.

The course also includes the concepts of function and relation and emphasizes linear and quadratic relations and functions.  The text chapters discussing this material employ symbols, concepts, and methods presented in the earlier chapters.  Thus, the course continually grows and builds on learned material.  The course also includes discussions on exponential functions and logarithms, and a short look at trigonometry.  A Texas Instruments TI-83 or TI-84 series graphing calculator is required.

Precalculus Accelerated

Precalculus mathematics is a course designed for the student who intends to continue the study of mathematics in the direction of the natural or physical sciences and is a preparation for Calculus.  Traditional analytic trigonometry is taught at the beginning of the course which includes an intense study of right triangle trigonometry, its applications to vectors, circular functions, and trigonometric identities, and solving trigonometric equations.  The rest of the course is an analysis of families of functions and relations – polynomials, rational functions, radical functions, trigonometric functions, logarithmic functions, and exponential functions — and their graphs both algebraically and through the graphing calculator, including an introduction to the fundamental aspects of Calculus.  A Texas Instruments TI-83 or TI-84 series graphing calculator is required.

Precalculus Honors

Precalculus mathematics is a course designed for the student who intends to continue the study of mathematics in the direction of the natural or physical sciences and is an intensive preparation for Calculus.  Most of the course is an analysis of families of functions and relations – polynomials; rational function; radical functions; trigonometric functions, including an intense study of right triangle trigonometry, its applications to vectors, circular functions, and trigonometric identities; logarithmic functions; and exponential functions — and their graphs both algebraically and through the graphing calculator, including an introduction to the fundamental aspects of Calculus. Significant independent work is considered a requirement for this course – students will be asked to perform independent study tasks, including (but not limited to) viewing and taking notes from screencasts, taking online quizzes, and collaborative learning. A Texas Instruments TI-83 or TI-84 series graphing calculator is required.

*Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations


This course is designed to give a thorough preparation for college Calculus.  The course content is the same as Precalculus Honors, but is presented at a slower rate and with additional algebra review.  Most of the course is an analysis of families of functions and relations – polynomials; rational functions; radical functions; trigonometric functions, including an intense study of right triangle trigonometry, its applications to vectors, circular functions, and trigonometric identities; logarithmic functions; and exponential functions — and their graphs both algebraically and through the graphing calculator, including an introduction to the fundamental aspects of Calculus and an introduction to limits, derivatives, and general curve sketching.  A Texas Instruments TI-83 or TI-84 series graphing calculator is required.

AP Calculus AB

This course is designed for the student who is interested in pursuing a college major with a strong emphasis in mathematics. The course will cover three main topics of Calculus:  limits, derivatives, and integrals. The course will emphasize a multi-representational approach to calculus with concepts and solutions expressed graphically, numerically, and analytically. The course emphasizes conceptual understanding of derivatives, integrals, and limits, as well as applications of these concepts. In order to develop these concepts, functions and graphs are a fundamental part of this course.  A Texas Instruments TI-83 or TI-84 series graphing calculator is required.

*Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations

AP Calculus BC

AP Calculus BC is an extension of AP Calculus AB rather than an  enhancement.  This course includes all topics covered in the AP Calculus AB course, with similar emphases and similar depth of understanding required.  The course also presents intensive study of parametric, polar, and vector functions; sequences and series; and elementary differential equations.  A Texas Instruments TI-83 or TI-84 series graphing calculator is required.

*Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations