Latin 3H

Cambridge Latin Course Unit 4.  Latin 3H is an advanced language course designed for the superior Latin students who wish to continue to refine their Latin skills and reading ability.  New grammar includes all uses of the subjunctive mood, gerund and gerundive; the student’s overriding task is to read and comprehend the variety of clauses and constructions which typically form the Latin periodic sentence. A study of rhetoric accompanies readings from speeches of Cicero.  In addition to the prose readings mentioned in the description of Latin 3, the 3H student will study a selected Latin author, reading excerpts from  his   original  works.  Latin 3H is strongly recommended for students intending to enroll in Latin 4AP in the following year.

*Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations

AP Latin

The Latin 4AP course is an advanced reading course. Selections from De Bello Gallico Books 1, 4, 5 and 6 and Vergil’s Aeneid Books 1, 2, 4, and 6 are read in Latin.  Students will also read Caesar’s Conquest of Gaul Books 1, 6, and 7 and Vergil’s Aeneid Books 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 in English.  In addition to appropriate translation skills, students are expected to employ literary analysis (much as in an English literature class), in order to fully appreciate the Latin work being studied.  The aims of this year-long course are:  to improve the students’ ability to read, understand and translate Latin poetry and prose; to expose students to poetic syntax, figures of speech, and meter; to involve students in literary analysis  of  Latin poetry and prose; to  enhance  the  student’s understanding of the literary and social contexts of the Roman world of the first century B.C. and A.D.; and to prepare students for the Advanced Placement exam in Latin.

*This course will be offered pending adequate enrollment.

*Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations

Mandarin 1

Mandarin 1 is a two-semester course designed for beginners.  No background in Mandarin is presumed or required.  Mandarin 1 introduces students to the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in Mandarin Chinese.  As students gain knowledge, understanding and fluency, the communication in class will be conducted in Mandarin only. By the end of the year, students are expected to pronounce the sound of Mandarin with reasonable accuracy, and to understand and sustain simple conversations in Chinese. Students will be exposed to Chinese culture in order to develop an understanding of and appreciation for different cultures and people, customs, behavior and traditions.

Mandarin 2

Mandarin 2 is a two-semester course that continues the study and development of Mandarin. This course will have combination of acquiring elementary to low intermediate level of Mandarin language use along with Chinese culture information. Students will continue developing skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and expanding knowledge of grammatical structures. Instruction in written Chinese will be a combination of simplified and traditional characters. The transcription of Mandarin sounds will be in Hanyu Pinyin.

Mandarin 2H

Mandarin 2H is an accelerated course designed to challenge the student who, during his/her first year, has actively participated in class, mastered the grammar and vocabulary presented in level one and/or demonstrated the ability to advance more rapidly than the average college preparatory student. The teacher will aid students in acquiring the following skills: increased oral proficiency on a variety of topics, an expanded vocabulary, the ability to read selections appropriate to low intermediate level students and increased ability to write essays. The course materials are designed to stimulate conversation and to perfect that skill, striving to imitate the native speaker’s pronunciation, accent, and rhythm, as the student’s abilities increase. Students will also become more informed about some of the contemporary problems and difficulties affecting Chinese communities. Students will further develop their ability to express themselves in spoken and written Mandarin Chinese.

*Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA

Mandarin 3

Mandarin 3 is a third-year course that continues the study and development of Mandarin to high intermediate level. This course builds upon the skills and materials covered in Mandarin 1 and 2. It broadens the range of grammatical structures the students can effectively use in day-to-day communication, focusing on listening and reading comprehension skills, and developing students’ oral and written skills in the language. This course includes a closer look at the classic and modern Chinese culture, enriching the student’s vocabulary and deepening his or her awareness of the Mandarin-speaking world. This class is conducted mainly in Mandarin, except when complex grammar concepts require a clearer explanation in English. Students are expected to speak in Mandarin at all times.

Mandarin 3H

Mandarin 3H is an advanced language course designed for students identified during their first two years as superior Mandarin students, who wish to become fluent in Mandarin and prepare themselves for Mandarin 4 AP. This course broadens the range of grammatical structures the students can effectively use in communication. Considerable emphasis will be given to enriching the students’ active vocabulary and increasing their ability to comprehend and express themselves in spoken and written Mandarin. The students will be required to speak in Mandarin in various situations ranging from class discussions to oral presentations and skits. Students will be able to read with comprehension selected short stories and various articles. This course includes a closer look at the classic and modern Chinese culture, enriching the student’s vocabulary and deepening his or her awareness of the Mandarin-speaking world. This class is conducted mainly in Mandarin and students are expected to speak in Mandarin at all times.

*Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations

Mandarin 4

Mandarin 4 is a two-semester course designed for students who have received an A, B or C+ in Mandarin 3 and/or teacher approval. This course is designed for students who are interested in using their foundation in Mandarin to explore in greater depth the cultures of the Chinese world through art, film, literature, history, current events, and social justice issues. The primary aim of this course is to improve the student’s ability to speak, read, write and comprehend Mandarin in more sophisticated contexts. The student will review vocabulary and grammar, master new advanced language concepts, and enhance his/her knowledge of the diversity of the Mandarin-speaking world. The class is conducted entirely in Mandarin except for complex grammatical explanations and students are expected to speak in Mandarin at all times.

AP Mandarin Language and Culture

AP Mandarin 4 is a two-semester advanced language course designed for students who have excelled in their previous Mandarin study and who are interested in pursuing a more rigorous course of study in Mandarin language and Chinese culture. Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate and improve proficiency in the three modes of communication—Interpersonal, Interpretive, and Presentational—defined as foundational in the Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century. This course will enhance the student’s cognitive, analytical, and communicative skills while emphasizing both fluency and accuracy in Mandarin. Authentic materials will be used to enhance student exploration of culture in both contemporary and historical contexts. The class is conducted mostly in Mandarin and students are encouraged to speak in Mandarin at all times.

*This class will be offered pending adequate enrollment.

**Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations

Spanish 1

Spanish 1 is designed for the beginning Spanish student.  No background in Spanish is expected.  Comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing skills are developed simultaneously from simple to more complex sentence structures.  The language skills are presented in a logical progression so that the student learns by practice both in the classroom and at home with the help of on-line tutorials.  The learning process is based on the active participation of each student in a variety of formats.  Students learn essential vocabulary, basic structures of the language, and cultural aspects of Latin America and Spain.  By the end of the course, each student has the ability to do the following:  ask questions and answer  them affirmatively  or  negatively  using  present tenses; arrange proper word order; speak and write clearly; write short compositions; and use common idiomatic expressions.