AP Latin

Course No: 4343
Subject: Latin
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course Length: Year
Course Type: AP/Honors, Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: E
Prerequisite: Latin 3H. 3/4 Prose, 3/4 Poetry, with teacher recommendation
Criteria for Enrollment: See criteria for Honors Enrollment. Students are required to take the Advanced Placement exam in May.
Fulfillments: Meets one year of language graduation requirement

The Latin 4AP course is an advanced reading course. Selections from De Bello Gallico Books 1, 4, 5 and 6 and Vergil’s Aeneid Books 1, 2, 4, and 6 are read in Latin.  Students will also read Caesar’s Conquest of Gaul Books 1, 6, and 7 and Vergil’s Aeneid Books 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 in English.  In addition to appropriate translation skills, students are expected to employ literary analysis (much as in an English literature class), in order to fully appreciate the Latin work being studied.  The aims of this year-long course are:  to improve the students’ ability to read, understand and translate Latin poetry and prose; to expose students to poetic syntax, figures of speech, and meter; to involve students in literary analysis  of  Latin poetry and prose; to  enhance  the  student’s understanding of the literary and social contexts of the Roman world of the first century B.C. and A.D.; and to prepare students for the Advanced Placement exam in Latin.

*This course will be offered pending adequate enrollment.

*Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations