AP Chemistry

Course No: 3034
Subject: Science
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course Length: Year
Course Type: AP/Honors, Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: D
Prerequisite: Science GPA of 3.3 or higher, with successful completion of Biology, Chemistry (Chemistry Honors strongly recommended), Physics and Overall GPA of 3.3 or higher. Students not meeting these criteria may submit an appeal (see alternate criteria below).
Criteria for Enrollment: Alternate Criteria (for appeal) – Overall GPA of 3.7 or higher and Math GPA 3.7 or higher and successful completion of Biology and Chemistry and approval of the department chair.
Fulfillments: One of two years of science; UC approved laboratory science course

The AP Chemistry (Physical Science) course is equivalent in content, depth, and complexity to an introductory chemistry course at the college level. This course is designed to prepare the student to excel on the AP exam offered in May, and follows the AP curriculum closely. AP Chemistry is an in-depth, content-intensive study of chemical principles that allows students the opportunity to engage hands-on in scientific experimentation. Units of study include chemical reactions, modern atomic theory, molecular bonding, hybridization, organic chemistry, stoichiometry, thermodynamics, kinetics, aqueous equilibrium, acids, bases, precipitation, reduction, oxidation, electrochemistry, and nuclear chemistry. Students are required to take the Advanced Placement exam in May. Students are required to complete an assignment over the summer due on the first day of school.

Corequisite – Students enrolling in this course must also enroll in the corresponding AP Science Laboratory course, which meets once per week for 50 minutes outside of the regular bell schedule. Meetings will occur before or after school.

*Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations