Physics (Physical Science)

Course No: 3041
Subject: Science
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Length: Year
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: D
Prerequisite: Biology, Chemistry, Algebra 1
Criteria for Enrollment: Science GPA 2.0 or higher
Fulfillments: One of two years of science; UC approved laboratory science course

Physics is the scientific study of the most fundamental laws of nature. This course aims to further develop students’ appreciation for and competence in the scientific method.  This course also aims to develop students’ conceptual and quantitative understanding of physical principles. Students perform experiments to develop proficiency in laboratory technique in applying physical principles to the analysis of experimental data. Units of study in this course include motion, Newton’s Laws, collisions, energy, thermodynamics, waves, sound, light, fundamental particles of nature, radioactivity, quantum mechanics, and electricity and magnetism.

Physics Honors (Physical Science)

Course No: 3044
Subject: Science
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Length: Year
Course Type: AP/Honors, Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: D
Prerequisite: Biology and Chemistry
Criteria for Enrollment: Science GPA 3.3 or higher and Overall GPA of 3.3 or higher and previous or concurrent enrollment in Precalculus Accelerated or Precalculus Honors
Fulfillments: One of two years of science; UC approved laboratory science course

The honors course differs from the non-honors course in that each topic is covered in more detail, at a faster pace, and with greater mathematical rigor.


*Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations

Science Research Project (Physical or Life Science)

Course No: 3060
Subject: Science
Grade Level: 9
Course Length: Year
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: G
Prerequisite: None
Criteria for Enrollment: Permission of instructor or Department Chair

This course offers students the opportunity to develop and demonstrate the maturity and self-discipline required to perform independent scientific research. Students perform one or more independent science or engineering research projects, in laboratory or field settings, on topics of their own choice. The meeting times are flexible and will be arranged to fit the schedule of the student. Areas of study include any area of science or engineering, including: quantum physics, astronomy, robotics, electronics, biotechnology, geology, meteorology, biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, oceanography, marine biology, psychology, sociology, economics, political science, statistics, etc., as well as traditional areas of biology, chemistry, physics and engineering.  Students will gain direct experience in research methodologies used by professional scientists and engineers in industry and academia. This course is taken in addition to the science requirement for graduation. Enrollment in Science Research does not qualify a student for a study period during the regular academic day.

*Taken as an independent study with the guidance of science teacher

Science Teaching Assistant

Subject: Science
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Length: Semester, Year
Course Type: Elective
Prerequisite: None
Criteria for Enrollment: Permission of instructor or Department Chair. Enrollment is via roster submitted by instructor. Students should not list this course on their Schedule Request Forms.

Science teaching assistants provide support for the science department (1 hour/week) either before school, after school, or during resource period in one or more of the following ways:

      1. Lab Assistant – assist with the setup and cleanup of science labs
      2. Peer Assistant – assist students taking introductory biology, chemistry, or physics
      3. Teacher Assistant – assist with grading assignments that require no teacher interpretation

Students interested in being a TA are required to fill out a short application available from the science department chair.  Teaching assistants will be selected based on department needs and student qualifications.  In some cases, students taking AP science courses will have priority in being a TA due to their qualifications in offering peer assistance.

*Taken as an independent study with the guidance of science teacher