U.S. Govt: Crime, Law and the Constitution evaluates the origin and application of due process rooted in British law and found in the United States Constitution. The course will analyze issues related to the federal and state criminal justice systems including: policing, arrest, arraignment, trial, sentencing, and incarceration/alternative rehabilitation. At the federal level, students will evaluate the impact of federal laws such as the 1994 Crime Bill and precedents set by Supreme Court cases. At the state level, students will examine key California laws such as the Three Strikes Law. Case studies will include recent trials, and the coursework will include field trips and guest experts from the Bay Area. Students will participate in a mock trial and produce a research based podcast or documentary related to criminal justice.
The honors curriculum for this course will include more rigorous assessments, as well as more in-depth research for the semester research project.
Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations.