Pep Band 1A

Course No: 6538
Subject: Performing Arts
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Length: Semester
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: F
Prerequisite: Participation in middle school band or orchestra program, or private lessons for at least six months
Criteria for Enrollment: Enrollment is via roster submitted by instructor. Students should not list this course on their Schedule Request Forms but instead email the teacher directly to request enrollment.

This course is open to all wind, brass, and percussion students.  It will include a variety of styles and difficulties of concert band and pep band music.  A cornerstone of this ensemble will be developing technical proficiency on each student’s instrument, as well as establishing a strong level of ensemble cohesion.  Music of all historical periods (including 20th century and popular music), various cultures, and multiple geographic areas will be studied for performance.  Students will participate in a two-week band camp during August (mandatory) to prepare for football season performances.  In rehearsal, students will be graded daily on their preparedness and involvement.  Additionally, periodic playing tests will be given to assess progress and these are also graded with a rubric that reflects the core concepts of intonation, proper fingerings/positions/sticking, correct rhythms, and overall musicianship.

This course is offered during 0 period. (8:00-8:45 am, Tue, Thu during fall semester ONLY) Meets 2 mornings per week, plus:

    • 8 home football & volleyball games (and playoffs, if applicable) for the FALL semester

First Semester Taken:  Pep Band A (6538)

Second Semester Taken:  Pep Band B (6539)

Subsequent Semesters Taken:  Pep Band C (9818)