Drama 1A: Intro to Theatre

Course No: 6210
Subject: Fine Arts
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Length: Semester
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: F
Prerequisite: None
Criteria for Enrollment: None
Fulfillments: One semester of Fine Arts graduation requirement

In Drama 1A, we will explore various approaches to acting. We will begin by playing a series of theatre games, move to improvisations, then perform professionally scripted and student-written monologues.  Students will develop an approach to enact short monologues from professional play scripts for final presentation.  Students will receive an overview of the major historical periods of theatre history throughout the world from Ancient Greece to the 19th Century using student projects and teacher presentations.  By the end of the course, students will have developed an appreciation for the art of the theatre, a respect for working within an ensemble of artists, and an appreciation for the variety of approaches to actor training.

Drama 1B: Advanced Acting

Course No: 6211
Subject: Fine Arts
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Length: Semester
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: F
Prerequisite: Drama 1A: Intro to Theatre or equivalent experience
Criteria for Enrollment: None
Fulfillments: One semester of Fine Arts graduation requirement

Students will continue the study and development of acting through scene work. While building on the principles and techniques learned in Drama 1A, students will participate in group warm-ups (vocal and physical), theatre games, improvisations, and advanced theatre exercises. Students will work on scenes from professionally produced plays. Students will study 20th Century theatre through the study of playwrights such as Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, and August Wilson.

Drama 1C: Advanced Musical Theater Workshop (Spring)

Course No: 9710
Subject: Performing Arts
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Length: Semester
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: F
Prerequisite: None
Criteria for Enrollment: Permission of instructor. Enrollment is via roster submitted by instructor. Students should not list this course on their Schedule Request Forms.

Drama 1C:  Advanced Musical Theatre Workshop is an after-school workshop exploring drama, dance and music theories and their application in performance.  To that end, students will explore acting, singing, dancing, rehearsal, performance, and technical/design skills culminating in the production of a full-length Broadway musical in the Spring semester.  Students will also learn about the historical and cultural significance of the selected piece of musical theatre. Students are admitted on the basis of a competitive audition and interviews held at the beginning of the semester.
This course is offered outside of the 2:45 am – 3:00 pm school day.
Meets 3-5 times per week, afternoons or evenings, 3 hours per meeting. 

*This class is not counted in the student’s SI GPA




Drama 1C: Advanced Theater Workshop (Fall)

Course No: 9710
Subject: Performing Arts
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Length: Semester
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: F
Prerequisite: None
Criteria for Enrollment: Permission of instructor. Enrollment is via roster submitted by instructor. Students should not list this course on their Schedule Request Forms.

This course is an after-school workshop in acting, rehearsal, performance, and technical/design skills culminating in the production of a full-length play in the fall semester.  Students are admitted on the basis of a competitive audition held at the beginning of the semester.  Four additional students may be selected to the positions of stage manager, stage crew chief, lighting designer on the basis of in-depth interviews. These students will work alongside professionals over the course of the production developing knowledge and skills in each specialized area and their application in performance.


This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day. Meets 3-5 times per week, afternoons or evenings, 3 hours per meeting.


*This class is not counted in the student’s SI GPA

Jazz Band C

Course No: 9813
Subject: Performing Arts
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Length: Semester
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: F
Prerequisite: Lessons or Band experience
Criteria for Enrollment: Admission is by audition. Enrollment may be limited to necessary instrumentation. Enrollment is via roster submitted by instructor. Students should not list this course on their Schedule Request Forms.

Jazz Band prepares students to perform a variety of musical competitions from the 1920s through the present, focusing primarily on large-ensemble jazz in the Big Band and swing tradition.  This class is available to students who have taken private lessons for at least one year, or participated in their middle school Band program.  Jazz Band will perform at the Winter Concerts, the Spring Pops Concerts, the Performing Arts Assembly, and several festivals or adjudicated performances.


This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day. Meets 2 afternoons per week for 2 hours each, plus performances.


*This class is not counted in the student’s SI GPA

Jazz Combo C

Course No: 9817
Subject: Performing Arts
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Length: Semester
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: F
Prerequisite: Lessons or Band experience
Criteria for Enrollment: Admission is by audition. Enrollment may be limited to necessary instrumentation. Enrollment is via roster submitted by instructor. Students should not list this course on their Schedule Request Forms.

Jazz Combo prepares students to perform a variety of musical competitions from the 1940s through the present, focusing primarily on small-ensemble jazz and solo improvisation.  This class is available to students who have taken private lessons for at least one year, or participated in their middle school Band program.  Jazz Combo will perform at the Winter Concerts, the Spring Pops Concerts, the Performing Arts Assembly, and several additional performances at SI and around the Bay Area.


This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day. Meets 1 afternoon per week for 2 hours each, plus performances.


*This class is not counted in the student’s SI GPA

Multimedia Design 1A

Course No: 6710
Subject: Fine Arts, Technology & Engineering
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Length: Semester
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: F
Prerequisite: None
Criteria for Enrollment: Interest in developing computer multimedia and design skills through creative web, print, and animation projects
Fulfillments: Computer Science elective satisfying one semester of Arts graduation requirement and UC Visual & Performing Arts (VPA) requirement

This is an introductory computer art and design course with a focus on 2D and 3D graphics, sound and video-editing software. Coursework includes a variety of design projects created with software programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Procreate, Logic, FL Studio, Soundtrap, Final Cut Pro, Premiere, TinkerCAD, and game design in Roblox. The learning of traditional art and design principles will be integrated into students’ creative work and the course will culminate with a digital portfolio.

Multimedia Design 1B

Course No: 6720
Subject: Fine Arts, Technology & Engineering
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Length: Semester
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: F
Prerequisite: Multimedia Design 1A
Criteria for Enrollment: Interest in developing computer multimedia and design skills through creative web, print animation, music, and video projects
Fulfillments: Computer Science elective satisfying one semester of Arts graduation requirement and UC Visual & Performing Arts (VPA) requirement

This class further develops skills learned in Multimedia Design 1A with a focus on utilizing 2D and 3D graphics, sound and video-editing software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Procreate, Logic, FL Studio, Soundtrap, Final Cut Pro, Premiere, OnShape, Blender, and game design in Roblox and Unity.  The development of effective narrative structures will be emphasized so that students learn to use the various media to create intentional works with meaning.  Particular attention will be paid to the design process and students’ conscious development of their own creative process.  Sample projects include stop motions, animations, music videos, special effects,  student documentary films, and the creation of video games.  Student work will culminate with a digital portfolio.

Music Appreciation A: Survey of Western Music

Course No: 6500
Subject: Fine Arts
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Length: Semester
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: F
Prerequisite: None
Criteria for Enrollment: None
Fulfillments: One semester of Fine Arts graduation requirement

Music Appreciation A is designed for non-musicians and develops the art of perceptive listening and performance in musical composition through experiential activities. Lectures and experiential learning will cover the instruments of the orchestra, composers, performance practice, musical composition techniques, major compositions of the era, baroque, classical, romantic and 20th century eras, and Broadway musicals.  Students will have practice in playing instruments, creating, listening to, analyzing, and describing music. They will evolve specific criteria for making informed critical evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of performances and compositions.  Students will identify, explain and perform stylistic features of a given musical work. This is an introductory level course, meeting three times per week with extensive participation in musical activities, class projects, demonstrations and live performances.

Music Appreciation B: Roots of Jazz: Exploring Music in Culture

Course No: 6515
Subject: Fine Arts
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Length: Semester
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: F
Prerequisite: Music Appreciation A
Criteria for Enrollment: None
Fulfillments: One semester of Fine Arts graduation requirement

Roots of Jazz: Exploring Music in Culture is designed for non-musicians and develops the art of perceptive listening to music of Africa, Latin American, India, Bali, China, the Middle East, Asia, Japan, and Eastern Europe. Learning will be balanced between theoretical and experiential song-writing activities. Students will evolve specific criteria for listening to, describing, analyzing, understanding, and creating music as it is understood and experienced in different cultures. Students will play instruments and explore digital media.  This is an intermediate level course, meeting four class hours per week with extensive lectures, experiential learning, audio-visual presentations, class projects, demonstration and attendance at live performances.