U.S. Govt: Crime, Law and the Constitution evaluates the origin and application of due process rooted in British law and found in the United States Constitution. The course will analyze issues related to the federal and state criminal justice systems including: policing, arrest, arraignment, trial, sentencing, and incarceration/alternative rehabilitation. At the federal level, students will evaluate the impact of federal laws such as the 1994 Crime Bill and precedents set by Supreme Court cases. At the state level, students will examine key California laws such as the Three Strikes Law. Case studies will include recent trials, and the coursework will include field trips and guest experts from the Bay Area. Students will participate in a mock trial and produce a research based podcast or documentary related to criminal justice.
The honors curriculum for this course will include more rigorous assessments, as well as more in-depth research for the semester research project.
Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations.
This course will analyze the changing demographics of San Francisco from a Gold Rush town to a blue-collar manufacturing and shipping center to a technology hub, and how those changes impacted the City’s politics. Students will learn about the evolution of the “strong mayor” system of government and the relationship between the executive (Mayor’s Office) and legislative (Board of Supervisors) branches of City government. Students will also examine San Francisco as a case study in federalism by evaluating how the national government (e.g. the Hetch Hetchy water system and the New Deal programs) and the California state government (e.g. the “great freeway revolt”) have shaped the City and County of San Francisco. Furthermore, students will study how San Francisco became a center of the civil rights, free speech, anti-war, and gay rights movements, particularly from the 1960s to the present.
The honors curriculum for this course will include additional assignments (e.g. college-level research papers) and participating in outside experiences (e.g. city council meetings).
Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations
Behavioral Neuroscience is the scientific study of the relationship between biology and behavior. Students will investigate how our brain structures and chemistry affect our vulnerability to addiction, our capacity to feel emotions, our susceptibility to sleep disorders, and our resiliency in terms of mental health, among other topics. As students explore the amazing intricacies of the machine that is their body, they’ll ultimately gain an appreciation of our shared humanity.
The honors curriculum for this course will necessitate college-level psychological analysis as well as practical applications or experiences of authentic psychology research in action.
Class receives honors weighing in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations
This course introduces students to the fundamental principles of economic theory and practice. Students develop a working definition of economics, undergo an extensive introduction to supply and demand and laws that relate to supply and demand. They also are exposed to the variety of political systems and their effect on economic theory including socialism, capitalism, and communism. Types of businesses are explained including sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations. The pros and cons of each type of organization are discussed. Other important concepts are explored including pricing, gross national product, inflation, taxation, and selected economic indicators.
The honors curriculum for this course will require college-level economics research papers as well as participation in an outside experience (e.g. an interview).
Class receives honors weighing in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations
This course is an introduction to the social movements of the “Long Sixties” (1945 – 1975), with emphasis on the Freedom Movements of Black Americans, Chicano & Latinx/Latiné communities, Asian-Americans, American Indians, Feminists, LGBTQ communities and other racial, ethnic or cultural communities worked toward freedom and equality. Students will identify and evaluate the core tenets of specific social movements including leadership, organization, strategies, accomplishments, and limits. Familiarity with US History is presumed. Students will also assess contemporary movements to ultimately define “freedom” for themselves. Course methodology includes: lectures, class discussion, films, group work, unit response papers and a final paper comparing and contrasting social movements.
The honors curriculum for this course will include additional components to add depth and complexity to assignments, readings and response papers. The Honors final response paper will require further research of modern social movements outside of the curriculum of the class.
Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations
AP Science courses require an intensive laboratory component extending beyond the regular class meetings. Once per week for 50 minutes, the Laboratory course will meet outside of the regular bell schedule. Meetings will occur before or after school. Students who anticipate a scheduling conflict in the time period before school are asked to contact the Science Department chair.
*This course receives a half-credit – graded pass/fail
AP Science courses require an intensive laboratory component extending beyond the regular class meetings. Once per week for 50 minutes, the Laboratory course will meet outside of the regular bell schedule. Meetings will occur before or after school. Students who anticipate a scheduling conflict in the time period before school are asked to contact the Science Department chair.
*This course receives a half-credit – graded pass/fail
AP Science courses require an intensive laboratory component extending beyond the regular class meetings. Once per week for 50 minutes, the Laboratory course will meet outside of the regular bell schedule. Meetings will occur before or after school. Students who anticipate a scheduling conflict in the time period before school are asked to contact the Science Department chair.
*This course receives a half-credit – graded pass/fail