Dance Workshop C

Dance Workshop is a production-focused studio course in dance technique and performance, focusing on ballet, jazz, and contemporary dance styles.  All dancers are welcome to audition, with no prior experience necessary.  Auditions allow the director to place students into groups based on approximate levels of technique and artistry.  Each group will have one required technique class per week and one rehearsal.  Students will rehearse choreographed dances in a supportive community environment and present a dance concert at the end of the semester.

One semester; offered after school/evenings ONLY
Time commitment:  Meets 1-2 afternoons per week, 3 hours per meeting, plus performances.

This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day. 



Drama C: Advanced Musical Theater Workshop (Spring)

Drama 1C:  Advanced Musical Theatre Workshop is an after-school workshop exploring drama, dance and music theories and their application in performance.  To that end, students will explore acting, singing, dancing, rehearsal, performance, and technical/design skills culminating in the production of a full-length Broadway musical in the Spring semester.  Students will also learn about the historical and cultural significance of the selected piece of musical theatre. Students are admitted on the basis of a competitive audition and interviews held at the beginning of the semester.
This course is offered outside of the 2:45 am – 3:00 pm school day.
Meets 3-5 times per week, afternoons or evenings, 3 hours per meeting. 

*This class is not counted in the student’s SI GPA




Drama C: Advanced Theater Workshop (Fall)

This course is an after-school workshop in acting, rehearsal, performance, and technical/design skills culminating in the production of a full-length play in the fall semester.  Students are admitted on the basis of a competitive audition held at the beginning of the semester.  Four additional students may be selected to the positions of stage manager, stage crew chief, lighting designer on the basis of in-depth interviews. These students will work alongside professionals over the course of the production developing knowledge and skills in each specialized area and their application in performance.


This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day. Meets 3-5 times per week, afternoons or evenings, 3 hours per meeting.


*This class is not counted in the student’s SI GPA

Jazz Band C

Jazz Band prepares students to perform a variety of musical competitions from the 1920s through the present, focusing primarily on large-ensemble jazz in the Big Band and swing tradition.  This class is available to students who have taken private lessons for at least one year, or participated in their middle school Band program.  Jazz Band will perform at the Winter Concerts, the Spring Pops Concerts, the Performing Arts Assembly, and several festivals or adjudicated performances.


This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day. Meets 2 afternoons per week for 2 hours each, plus performances.


*This class is not counted in the student’s SI GPA

Jazz Combo C

Jazz Combo prepares students to perform a variety of musical competitions from the 1940s through the present, focusing primarily on small-ensemble jazz and solo improvisation.  This class is available to students who have taken private lessons for at least one year, or participated in their middle school Band program.  Jazz Combo will perform at the Winter Concerts, the Spring Pops Concerts, the Performing Arts Assembly, and several additional performances at SI and around the Bay Area.


This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day. Meets 1 afternoon per week for 2 hours each, plus performances.


*This class is not counted in the student’s SI GPA

Mixed Chorus 1A

This course is open to all sophomores, juniors and seniors.  Students will be introduced to good practice procedures for choral rehearsal and to an awareness of different styles of choral music.  Student achievement will involve study of sight-singing, notation, phrasing, rhythm, harmony and musical terminology.  Students will be expected to spend additional hours beyond the regular class time.  Students are expected to attend all rehearsals and performances. Ensembles will perform at concerts and choral festivals.


This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day. Meets 1 evening per week, plus performances.


One Semester; offered after school/evenings ONLY

First Semester Taken:  Mixed Chorus A (6551)

Second Semester Taken:  Mixed Chorus B (6552)

Orchestra 1A

An audition is required to participate.  Auditions are held at the beginning of Fall Semester, and again in December for the following Spring Semester.  Students develop technical mastery in all aspects of ensemble playing, including tone production, intonation, rhythmic execution and musicianship.  Orchestra performs works from the baroque, classical, romantic and 20th century repertoire from MENC grades 4-5, and will perform at the CMEA festival in the spring.


This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day, offered after school/evenings ONLY. Meets 1 evening per week, plus performances. 


First Semester Taken:  Orchestra A (6521)

Second Semester Taken:  Orchestra B (6522)

Subsequent Semesters Taken:  Orchestra C (9803)

Chamber Singers 1A

This course is a mixed singing ensemble intended for singers of advanced ability and specializes in performance of challenging literature of diverse genre.  Students will read music notation in treble and bass clefs, demonstrate understanding of more complex notation, demonstrate knowledge of terminology pertinent to the performance of choral music, demonstrate and understand correct singing technique, and demonstrate appropriate rehearsal discipline and performance skills.  Students will be expected to spend additional hours beyond the regular class time.  Students are expected to attend all rehearsals, performances and choral festivals.  The class generally meets before school in the morning.

First Semester Taken:  Chamber Singers A (6546)

Second Semester Taken:  Chamber Singers B (6547)

Subsequent Semesters Taken: Chamber Singers C (9863)

This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day. Meets 2-3 mornings per week, plus performances.

Chamber Singers 1B

This course is a mixed singing ensemble intended for singers of advanced ability and specializes in performance of challenging literature of diverse genre.  Students will read music notation in treble and bass clefs, demonstrate understanding of more complex notation, demonstrate knowledge of terminology pertinent to the performance of choral music, demonstrate and understand correct singing technique, and demonstrate appropriate rehearsal discipline and performance skills.  Students will be expected to spend additional hours beyond the regular class time.  Students are expected to attend all rehearsals, performances and choral festivals.  The class generally meets before school in the morning.

First Semester Taken:  Chamber Singers A (6546)

Second Semester Taken:  Chamber Singers B (6547)

Subsequent Semesters Taken: Chamber Singers C (9863)

This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day. Meets 2-3 mornings per week, plus performances.

Chamber Singers C

This course is a mixed singing ensemble intended for singers of advanced ability and specializes in performance of challenging literature of diverse genre.  Students will read music notation in treble and bass clefs, demonstrate understanding of more complex notation, demonstrate knowledge of terminology pertinent to the performance of choral music, demonstrate and understand correct singing technique, and demonstrate appropriate rehearsal discipline and performance skills.  Students will be expected to spend additional hours beyond the regular class time.  Students are expected to attend all rehearsals, performances and choral festivals.  The class generally meets before school in the morning.

First Semester Taken:  Chamber Singers A (6546)

Second Semester Taken:  Chamber Singers B (6547)

Subsequent Semesters Taken: Chamber Singers C (9863)

This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day. Meets 2-3 mornings per week, plus performances.