Religious Studies 201: Christology

At a pivotal moment in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus asks his disciples “Who do you say that I am?”  The confusion that ensues among his followers is emblematic of the struggle that Christians and non-Christians alike have had throughout history to answer that very question.  In this course, students will be challenged to offer their own unique contributions to the discourse on the identity of Jesus.  They will grapple directly with the question Jesus posed to his disciples by developing responses based on multiple and intersecting paradigms: the personal, the historical, the theological, and the anthropological to name just a few.  Effectively engaging with the course will lead to greater skills in the areas of critical thinking, cultural competency, and religious imagination, among others.

English 203 Honors

The major difference between this honors course and the regular sophomore course is in the number of books that are read and their inherent difficulty, in the mode of instruction in the classroom, in the student initiative required, and in the number of writing assignments (generally 2-3 additional essays per year) along with their increasing and various difficulty.


Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA

English 303 Honors

English 303H fulfills all the goals of English 300 but requires the students to read several more books and to write longer and more (approximately 20) papers.  These papers require a good understanding of the forms of literature in order that the students will be able to formulate and support accurate, interpretative theses about the literature under study.  At the end of 303H, students usually take the AP English Language and Composition examination.

Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations.

English 103 Honors

The major difference between English 100 and English 103H is in the number of books that are read and their inherent difficulty, in the mode of instruction in the classroom, in the student initiative required, and in the number of writing assignments and their increasing and various difficulty.

 Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA

AP English Literature and Composition

This full-year course is intended for the seniors who qualify in two ways: First, they must have the desire to sustain a high degree of effort throughout their senior year; second, they must have the proven ability to do accelerated work.  The course itself has two goals:  1) to prepare the students to pass the AP exam administered in May of the senior year, and 2) to prepare them to take their place in a sophomore English class at whatever college they attend.  The content of the course is divided into two major parts.  The first is the study of literature required by the AP exam.  Here the students become familiar with the novel, short story, poem, drama, and essay, particularly in their historical development.  In the second part, the students work at perfecting their writing skills.  Here they do two separate kinds of practice: 1) that aimed at proficiency for the exam itself, and 2) that aimed at proficiency in written expression for college level audiences.  Admission to this course is by application, recommendation of the junior year teacher, and approval of the Chair.  English 403AP is a senior English course in which the 1.00 increment is awarded by the UC system.

Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations

Music Appreciation A: Survey of Western Music

Music Appreciation A is designed for non-musicians and develops the art of perceptive listening and performance in musical composition through experiential activities. Lectures and experiential learning will cover the instruments of the orchestra, composers, performance practice, musical composition techniques, major compositions of the era, baroque, classical, romantic and 20th century eras, and Broadway musicals.  Students will have practice in playing instruments, creating, listening to, analyzing, and describing music. They will evolve specific criteria for making informed critical evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of performances and compositions.  Students will identify, explain and perform stylistic features of a given musical work. This is an introductory level course, meeting three times per week with extensive participation in musical activities, class projects, demonstrations and live performances.

AP Music Theory

Advanced Placement (AP) Music Theory is a fast-paced course including a substantial amount of homework in preparation for the AP music theory exam in May.  This course prepares students to complete college level work in the areas of reading and analyzing notated music and aural training.  Particular emphasis will be placed upon developing listening skills, sight-singing ability and knowledge of rhythm, melody, harmony, form and other compositional devices.

 Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations

*This class will be offered pending adequate enrollment.

**This course meets during the regular school day, periods 1-7, during fall OR spring semester.

French 4

French 4 is a two-semester course for students who have received an A, B or C+ in French 3 and/or teacher approval.  This course is designed for students who are interested in using their foundation in French to explore in greater depth the cultures of the francophone world through art, film, literature, history, current events, and social justice issues. The primary aim of this course is to improve the student’s ability to speak, read, write and comprehend French in more sophisticated social, historical and political contexts.  The student will review vocabulary and grammar, master new advanced language concepts, and enhance his/her knowledge of the cultural  diversity of the French-speaking world.  The class is conducted entirely in French except for complex grammatical explanations and students are expected to speak in French at all times.


*This class will be offered pending adequate enrollment.

Algebra 1

Algebra 1 is a traditional course in elementary algebra with an emphasis on solving problems.  The course falls into four basic parts: 1) the four operations on real numbers and their use in the solution of simple equations and related problems; 2) polynomials, factoring, and fractions, leading to the solution of more complicated problems; 3) inequalities, functions and relations, and systems of open sentences; and 4) irrational numbers and quadratic functions and equations.  A Texas Instruments TI-83 or TI-84 series graphing calculator is required.


The course reviews the basic concepts, terminology, and notation involved in geometry, and is designed for the student who successfully completed Algebra 1 as a freshman, though any student may apply.  Both abstract and practical aspects are covered.  Conditional statements, conjectures, theorems, and written justifications are systematically brought into the course, along with the subjects to which they pertain, in the context of problem solving as well as in the context of the preparation of formal proofs.  Students construct an understanding by spending some of their class time working in collaborative learning groups.  Review of algebraic and geometric concepts is employed throughout the course.  In this way, algebra skills are maintained and the students are better prepared to enter into the geometric aspects of advanced algebra, math analysis, precalculus, and calculus courses. A Texas Instruments TI-83 or TI-84 series graphing calculator is required.