AP Mandarin Language and Culture

Course No: 4644
Subject: Mandarin
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Length: Year
Course Type: AP/Honors, Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: E
Prerequisite: Mandarin 3 or 3H or placement by examination
Criteria for Enrollment: See criteria for Honors Enrollment
Fulfillments: Meets one year of language graduation requirement

AP Mandarin 4 is a two-semester advanced language course designed for students who have excelled in their previous Mandarin study and who are interested in pursuing a more rigorous course of study in Mandarin language and Chinese culture. Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate and improve proficiency in the three modes of communication—Interpersonal, Interpretive, and Presentational—defined as foundational in the Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century. This course will enhance the student’s cognitive, analytical, and communicative skills while emphasizing both fluency and accuracy in Mandarin. Authentic materials will be used to enhance student exploration of culture in both contemporary and historical contexts. The class is conducted mostly in Mandarin and students are encouraged to speak in Mandarin at all times.

*This class will be offered pending adequate enrollment.

**Class receives honors weighting in SI weighted GPA and UC/CSU GPA calculations