Chamber Singers A

Course No: 6546
Subject: Performing Arts
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Length: Semester
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: F
Prerequisite: Audition and co-enrollment in Mixed Chorus A, B, or C
Criteria for Enrollment: Enrollment is via roster submitted by instructor. Students should not list this course on their Schedule Request Forms.

This course is a mixed singing ensemble intended for singers of advanced ability and specializes in performance of challenging literature of diverse genre.  Students will read music notation in treble and bass clefs, demonstrate understanding of more complex notation, demonstrate knowledge of terminology pertinent to the performance of choral music, demonstrate and understand correct singing technique, and demonstrate appropriate rehearsal discipline and performance skills.  Students will be expected to spend additional hours beyond the regular class time.  Students are expected to attend all rehearsals, performances and choral festivals.  The class generally meets before school in the morning.

First Semester Taken:  Chamber Singers A (6546)

Second Semester Taken:  Chamber Singers B (6547)

Subsequent Semesters Taken: Chamber Singers C (9863)

This course is offered outside of the 9:00 am – 2:45 pm school day. Meets 2-3 mornings per week, plus performances.