Studio Art B/C: Sacred Symbols

Course No: 6130
Subject: Fine Arts, Religious Studies
Grade Level: 12
Course Length: Semester
Course Type: Elective
UC/CSU Subject Approval: F
Prerequisite: Studio Art A or permission of instructor; Religious Studies 101, 201, 300
Criteria for Enrollment: None
Fulfillments: One semester of Fine Arts graduation requirement AND meets the requirement for one of seven semesters of Religious Studies

Instructor: Katie Wolf

An experiential class focused on the exploration of the human desire to remember and recognize the Creator.  Through our exploration of symbols used as visual expressions in art, architecture and religious imagery, we will study various faith traditions to gather an understanding of praise older than language and the written word; to “see God in all things.”  In this integrated approach to learning about culture, religion and the arts, each student will create 15 major art pieces that represent the faith traditions studied and their own original works that express an understanding of aesthetics.  Through research, studio work, field trips (Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, S.F., First Church of Christ Scientist, Berkeley, St. Mary’s Cathedral, S.F.), written papers, prayer, and reflection, each student will gain an ability to understand the role of the Creative spark in our lives.  An understanding of their own creative process will allow them to embrace the universal call of the Beloved to us, His instruments, and our response – an expression of praise.